Chapter Eleven

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The next time Shannon opened her eyes, it was bright and sunny outside and a tray of breakfast sat untouched beside her bed. Since it hadn’t been cleared, it must be sometime before lunch. She reached over and popped a couple grapes into her mouth, trying to wake up enough to get out of bed. It was an internal debate because she could sleep the rest of the day if she wanted –and she really did, but then she had to be up for work the next morning so it would be best to stay awake.

She sat up and picked up the cold cup of coffee, cold was okay with her and she drank it back considering her options for the day. She could read up some more on plants and owls but that would require some mental focus and she wasn’t sure she had that at the moment. Best plan it seemed was to get out and stretch her legs; maybe the fresh air would help.

Half an hour later, her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she was walking out the front doors in shorts and a tank top breathing in the heavy August air. The grounds were truly beautiful with small crops of trees set apart in the rolling hill and as she walked around the side of the castle, she came upon the great loch, so big it looked as if it stretched out to the ocean. Finding a shady spot under a tree, Shannon sat in silence thinking about all that had happened in the past handful of weeks and all that was to come over the next few years. The new school year would start in just two weeks and though it was a relatively safe one from what she knew of the story, it would still be full of unforeseen challenges.

“Shannon” Dumbledore’s soft voice roused her from deep thought. “May I sit?”

Shannon smiled up at him and said of course he may. Even though they had two weeks, Dumbledore had already started pulling away and she truly missed him.

“It is a beautiful place” he said quietly and together they sat in a comfortable silence listening to the lapping of the waves and the songs of the birds surrounding them.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t more helpful last night” Shannon finally broke the silence. “There just isn’t much I can tell you that would be useful but not possibly change the entire final outcome.”

“Oh, don’t worry too much about that” Dumbledore smiled “I trust you on the matter and will not ask for more.”

“You are an amazing man to have to put up with all of this and I don’t envy you at all but I wish I could alleviate any small amount of stress and worry for you.” Shannon sighed and thought about the situation a while. “I don’t think it would be too much to tell you that no one is in grave danger this year, from anyone or anything. Just… just be sure to attend all Quidditch matches this year” she smiled ruefully.

Once again silence fell upon them and each meditated on their own thoughts. “Thank you for that” Dumbledore finally spoke again, “you know how much I dislike the idea of the dementors being here.” Shannon nodded but said no more. “That is why I sought you out here, I hate having to ask this of you but the dementors show up with the start of the year and while they are here, it would save me much worry if I knew you weren’t wandering the grounds alone on a day like this when there is no one else around who could help you if something were to happen.”

Shannon once again nodded her understanding and felt the loss of further freedom but also knew that when the school year was in full swing, the grounds would usually be crawling with people. She looked up at Dumbledore and smiled again. “I can promise that for you, I’ll be careful and I won’t wander about the grounds alone.” She wiped an ant off her leg and wondered if she was near a nest or sitting on some marked food trail.

“Also, I’m sure you know of the condition of Professor Lupin who will be starting here this year, as I alluded to when I mentioned him earlier.” Dumbledore followed the progression of the ant thinking it would be quite funny if they were indeed sitting near a nest and were about to be under siege.

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