Today is saturday and I don't have any plans for today, I have my dance practice starting on Monday until our competiton and I don't want to just sit here and do nothing. I should probably enjoy myself since I'll be busy til next month. I sat up once again and took my phone from where I last put it, I decided to text Jennie.

To: Jennie.

Hi babe! Any plans for today? xo ;)

I chuckled at myself and hit the send button. Even calling her such endearments feels nothing but normal.


From: Jennie.

Yeah. I'm going somewhere, please don't bother to come haha

I smiled while reading her text, this girl already knows what's up.

To: Jennie.

Please? :( take me with youuuuu

From: Jennie.

No Lisa. Quit it, don't be stubborn. I'll just see you on Monday.

To: Jennie.

Fine. See you on Monday ;)

I wonder what are her plans for today?

I groaned in annoyance feeling all bored. Maybe I should go bike around town? Yeah. That would be a good idea plus exercise. I quickly jolt up from my bed and changed my clothes, I am wearing my red hoodie along with my sweat pants, I put on my white adidas shoe and went my way downstairs. Surprisingly I saw both of my parents at the kitchen.

"Daddyyyyy!" I exclaimed while running up to him and pulling him into an embrace, he quickly received it engulfing me into a big hug. I miss him. I haven't seen him for weeks since he's always at work.

"Calm down, little lady." My dad chuckled and pecked my forehead, I smiled. This is how loving my dad is. I honestly couldn't ask for a more perfect family.

"I miss you." I said while smiling wide at him, my mom butted in,

"She has been asking me about you for a week now, honey." She chuckled while cooking something.

"Yeah, that's true." I playfully crossed my arms and my dad just chuckled.

"I missed you too." He told me sweetly while engulfing me into another embrace, I smiled feeling all loved and lucky.

"Where are you going?" He suddenly asked me while looking at me up and down.

"I will just bike around the city."

"Okay, be careful honey. Don't wear earphones while on the high way." I nodded and gave my parents both a hug and a kiss and waved them goodbye.

I quickly took my bike from our porch and started paddling. I smiled to myself as I feel contended with what I'm doing, this is what I usually do during my spare time. My dad taught me how to ride a bike when I was younger, we used to bike together around town whenever we have time but sadly, we can't do it anymore because he has work and has no day offs since he is the owner, he always have to monitor the restaurant.

I saw the familiar girl, also known as the love of my life. I looked at her while still paddling, her smile formed from her lips as soon as she saw me, she then waved her hands at me and I did the same causing me to fall off from my bike and land on my ass. I groaned but kept my smile at her, her eyes widen along with her mouth and she quickly ran towards me.

"Oh my God, are you okay Lisa?" She asked me looking worried and my heart started dancing, I just nodded. She then helped me to get up, I felt my cheeks heat up as soon as her hand touched mine.

PLAYED // JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now