Chapter 23 - Midnight Mayhem and Mutual Misunderstandings.

Start from the beginning

                “I know,” I sighed out, wiping furiously at my cheeks.

                “Please stop crying, I can’t do crying girls,” he said. I chuckled, letting out a deep breath.

                “Whatever. You want to stop the river; you pay for the coffee when we reach the lobby.” Dylan laughed, shaking his head with a sigh. He’d slipped on a t-shirt over his jeans and his hair was ruffled from where he’d run for the lift. Not to mention the massive wet patch in the dead centre of his top.

                “You drive a hard bargain, Deeks.”

                “You give in too easily, Lanes.” He accepted it with a grin before shoving me out of the lift and into the lobby.

                The café on the other side of the hotel was a 24 hour one. It was also connected to the street, making our coffee runs in the mornings a lot easier. Dylan went over to order us some drinks as I went to sit down at the table, mulling the argument over in my head.

                When Dylan returned to the table with two cups of tea, rather than the keep-you-up-all-night coffee, I sighed, thanking him. He nodded, taking the seat opposite me with minimal sound.

                “It’ll sort itself out. You two have lasted way past any of our bets, so you’ll sort it, don’t worry,” he tried to assure and I smiled, tracing the rim of the cup with my finger, feeling the heat coat my finger.

                “You’re betting on how long we’ll last?” I asked, amused. Dylan grinned, leaning back in his seat with his arms behind his head.

                “Nah, I’m not anymore. Lost way back,” he replied. I let out a snigger before pursing my lips with a grimace.

                “What did you put on us?”

                “About three weeks.” I raised an eyebrow at his answer.

                “Three weeks? Is that it?” He nodded at my question, smirking.

                “C’mon, Andy. It’s you, the girl who was pretty much untouchable when you showed up and Hunter. He doesn’t exactly have a good reputation with relationships. I only had a fiver on it, not as if I lost much.” I chuckled, shaking my head with a smile.

                “You’re an idiot. I gave Kenzi and Seb five weeks. I was only three off, in the end,” I said. He laughed, wagging a finger.

                “I won that one, gave them eight and a bit.” Rolling my eyes, I took a sip of my drink.

                Dylan and I stayed in the café for about an hour before retreating upstairs. Unsurprisingly, the stubborn ass was still in the bed. Instead of being snide and getting back in the bed just to prove a point, Dylan budged up and we slept head to toe on the sofa with a snort of amusement.

                The snort of amusement was definitely gone in the morning when Dylan was on the floor and Hunter was glaring in his direction.

                “We may’ve fallen out but if I catch you sleeping with my girl again,” he warned. The threat finished there, Dylan just got to his feet, scoffing.

                “Try not treating her like shit and she won’t go jumping into another guy’s bed,” Dylan retorted. I sighed, blowing out through my lips as I fell back against the sofa cushions.

                “Bloody hell. I didn’t sleep with anyone, I slept head to toe on a sofa, calm it down,” I grumbled. When I opened my eyes again after feeling a dip in the sofa, I found myself staring at Kenzi.

                She didn’t say anything, just pulled me up for a hug.

                “Go and sort it.” I shook my head, pulling back. I shot her a look that told her I wasn’t desperate before going into the bathroom to get ready. We’d spend the morning in Rome, leaving in the afternoon for an hour’s trip on the road to another town. We didn’t know where, yet, we still needed to consult the map.

                I put my mascara on, thanking God that my eyes weren’t still puffy from the night before and shoved my hair back from my face. I gave my reflection one last check before pushing from the sink and going back out into the living room.

                Hunter and Seb were gone but everyone else was still sitting around in the living room, chatting quietly.

                “Honestly, I thought she was going to hit him,” Lee whispered.

                “I was contemplating it,” I admitted, joining them. Lee chuckled, running his hand through his hair and Alfie chewed the inside of his cheek.

                “I would’ve. What’s all this about, I mean, really?” I rolled my lip into my mouth and then let it go, pursing my lips.

                “To be honest, I think it’s just little things that are finally coming to blows because we’re pissed at each other,” I said, glancing at Kenzi, who nodded. She obviously knew where I was coming from, after everything that went down with Seb. They’d sorted things out so I was sure that Hunter and I would manage something eventually.

                “The gang?” Dylan clarified. I nodded.

                “He won’t tell me anything, treats me like he would Sally,” I explained. Just as Lee was about to ask something, the door swung open, the Jacobs brothers strolling in. It had been a while since I’d seen that sight, with the brothers being at each other’s throats for weeks.

                “Breakfast?” Seb asked, motioning towards the door with his thumb. Everyone nodded and mumbled something, grabbing their things. I stuck with Kenzi, ignoring Hunter completely as we walked out and locked the door behind us.

A/N: I've just gone back to college, hence the delay with the update. If you didn't see my message, I have said that you'll all have to give me a bit of leeway with the updates as I have looooooooads of work to do :') Also, a few people have said to make the chapters longer, because I'm a lazy bugger and can't be bothered to answer everyone every time, I'll just put it here ;) The chapters will remain whatever length they are, which is usually at least 10 A5 pages on word, which is my guidline size. If I make them longer when I don't feel they should be, they'll end up crap and I think 4 watty pages is an alright size, anyway :')

Please let me know what you think, vote and comment :') Thanks!

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