Chapter 1

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It's been said that gold is the most precious element in the world. Gold represents hope and royalty. Gold's perfect in every way. What if I told you that in some distant kingdom far far away, it was the complete opposite?

As we grow up, we learn who we are. We learn our strengths, our weakness, and everything in between. In the world, there are three main types of people. First, the intellectuals or the black eyes. The people who depend on their minds to live. Using their intelligent minds, their goal is to fulfill a prophecy. Black eyes have what most people consider "normal" eyes. Second, the creatives or the white eyes. The people who depend on a place beyond their minds to live, their imagination. Magic and their innovative minds helps them to thrive. These people have a vibrant ring of white around their black pupils. Third, the people who combine reality with their imaginations to face the real harsh world and help to make a better one. These people face the most difficult challenges; the hardest one being themselves.

Ever since anyone could remember, The Cara Empire's people were split. The white eyes and the black eyes. No one speaks of the third group. They are dangerous. Why? They are dangerous because they present change which was something The Cara Empire is scared of. Like the white eyes, a ring of white is around their pupils. However, whenever these people use their magic or are full of emotion, their white rings turn a golden color.

Sometimes the people mustered the name, "golden eyes". Banished from all villages, the golden eyes seemed to be extinct somehow. It was almost as if fifty years ago they all slowly started to disappear.

About a year ago, I felt like I disappeared. I had everything. I lived at a wonderful place, called Gwenie's Angels, where they raised me like I was one of them. All my life people treated me like I was a white eye- including me. Now I know that I'm not a white eye and I never was. I am and always will be a golden eye.

The orphanage paid for my tution for this fancy magic school that I flunked out of called Wisehall. Wisehall was beautiful. Bookshelves  lined the walls, people were always happy there, and that place always smelled like fresh lemons. Unfortunately, they let me go because I couldn't do as much as lift a feather with magic.

I can't tell anyone that I am who I am. All golden eyes get sent to this prison island for life. Or at least that's what legend says. And I may not believe in legends, but the tiniest chance they are true sends me a life in prison. So, I stay hidden. I sleep during the day and scavenger at night searching for food in the abandoned fruit stands.

I don't talk to many people. The more people I talk to, the more likely my secret could be revealed. I can only trust one person; Lucas.

Lucas is the youngest prince of Cara. Some people call him the runt of the royal family and others call him the most incredible mind in the kingdom.

Every black eye has a word written on the inside of their index finger. It's "their word" for life. Lucas's word is "unexpected" and I think it suits him.

I remember the first day I had ever met him. It was a couple of hours until sunlight and he was lying awake in his bed like he couldn't sleep. I peered through the tower's window to see what he was doing. I don't normally spy on people like that, I swear. 

Once his eyes met mine, I quickly jumped out of view. "Who's there?" he asked. I remained quiet and still. He stayed by the window waiting for someone to come out. I didn't. I stayed buried in the darkness. "I see you. Come out." he finally said after an hour of patiently waiting. I wiped some dirt off of my face and dusted my dress off.

"I'm so sorry! I just got lost and I ended up here! Please don't tell anyone!" I quickly pleaded kneeling down at his presence. The young prince pulled me into his room.

The Third EyeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon