Chapter 1: Graduation

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"Congratulations, Nia, you've passed." Mizuki smiled as he spoke, and Nia couldn't help but to bubble over in excitement as she walked to the table and took one of the headbands waiting there. Though as she took it in her hands, rather than immediately walking away like she was supposed to, she couldn't help but to stop and appreciate Konoha's emblem as the metal seemed to shine in the sunlight that poured into the room through the nearby windows. And while she knew that she was just being sentimental, she couldn't help but feel proud with herself as simply owning this one small accessory meant that all of her years of training had finally been realized.

"Nia?" Mizuki spoke again, snapping her out of her thoughts before she turned to look at him.

"Oh, sorry Mizuki-sensei!" Nia apologized quickly with a mixture of happiness and embarrassment before she quickly left the room so that the next student in her class could take the test. Though while walking through the hallways, she still couldn't help but smile as she examined her new headband until she finally tied it underneath her long brown hair so that it was around her forehead before she walked back into the classroom where everyone looked at her.

"Wow, she actually passed." Kiba, one of Nia's classmates who seemed to love to try and irritate her, smirked evilly as soon as she walked into the room.

"Of course I did." Nia turned her head away while snubbing him as she spoke. "After all, if even you passed, anyone could."

"Are you kidding? I'm way more skilled than you are." Kiba never lost his smile as he gloated towards her. "Though, if we're talking about people not passing, there's that one guy..."

"Naruto, you're up next." Iruka called out the name from the front of the room.

"Alright! It's time to show everybody what I'm made of!" Naruto shouted enthusiastically before beginning to jog towards the door.

"Uh... Good luck, Naruto-kun." Nia attempted cheer him on, though her voice wasn't as strong as it normally was seeing as she was unsure if she should speak to him or not. After all, her parents and older brother had strictly forbidden her to even speak to him for some reason, much less carry out a conversation... But surely this much was allowed, right? However, whether she could speak to him or not and despite her speaking quietly, the boy thankfully heard her anyway.

"Thanks, Nia-chan!" He gained a wide grin on his face before sending a thumbs-up towards her. "First I'm going to graduate from here, then I'm going to be hokage. Believe it!"

"Then good luck with that too." Nia attempted to smile while speaking hesitantly because even she knew that becoming Hokage wasn't that easy, no matter how enthusiastic someone was.

"Yeah! And good on you for graduating!" Naruto congratulated her loudly before walking through the doors of the classroom and disappearing from sight.

"You know, you shouldn't encourage him like that." Kiba had a serious tone as he spoke to her now. "You'll only make it worse when he fails."

"And just how do you know that he's going to fail?" Nia asked as she adopted her teasing smile again. "Who knows, if he trains hard, then he'll probably be better than you pretty soon."

"There's no way that's ever happening!" Kiba replied while seeming to be annoyed now as Nia gave him a victory smirk. However, while she was hoping that Naruto would pass if not just to annoy Kiba, it turned out that her hopes were in vain as Naruto eventually returned to the classroom without a headband while looking depressed.

"There's always next time, so long as you keep training..." Nia attempted to comfort him as he walked by her. "Don't give up, okay?"

"You kidding? It'll take a lot more than this to get me down!" Naruto suddenly surprised her by turning and giving her another thumbs up. "I'll graduate next year and then I'll be Hokage, just wait and see."

"Yeah right dude, like anyone who could fail the graduation test could be Hokage." Kiba laughed. "Heck, seeing as I actually passed, maybe I'll be the hokage instead..."

"Kiba, don't be a jerk." Nia glared at him.

"It's too late for him, Nia-chan. He was born that way." Naruto seemed to sigh in disappointment, and while Kiba had been about to reply, he was cut short by the small puppy barking from the top of his head.

"See? Even Akamaru agrees." Nia continued.

"I- Well he- Gah! Fine!" Kiba leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms while pouting, making Nia smirk yet again as she knew that he'd argue with everyone except for his dog.

"T-thanks for defending me, Nia-chan..." Naruto suddenly thanked her out of no where, making Nia smile at him now as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it and be sure to graduate next year, alright? I don't want to leave you too far behind." She attempted to encourage him.

"Yeah, sure thing! I'm going to be the best ninja ever someday!" He snickered in reply. "I'll be leaving you in the dust before you know it!"

"That's the spirit, Naruto." Iruka walked over to them and gave the blonde a smile before turning to look over the rest of the class. "Congratulations for making it this far everyone. Now, whether you passed or didn't, I just want to let you know that I'm proud of each and every one of you. And now, as most of you move on to become genin, make sure to remember all of the lessons that I taught you while inside of the academy as they will be vital in your future missions. And with that out of the way, you all of the rest of the day off to prepare for tomorrow where you will be assigned to jounin instructors and be formed into teams."

"Wahoo! We're finally done!" Kiba let out an excited yell while Naruto went back to being quiet as the blonde walked towards the door along with everyone else that was flooding out of the classroom. "Hey Nia, do you want to go get some barbecue or something to celebrate?"

"I'm in!" Choji joined in.

"Not you man, you'll just eat all of the pork before anyone else can cook theirs!" Kiba replied.

"You guys are going out for barbecue? Let us join in too!" Ino and Sakura walked over to their table, though Sakura appeared to be in a slump as Nia guessed that Sasuke declined yet another date invitation of hers.

"I could go for some grub right about now, what about you, Shino?" Shikamaru joined in as well before asking the resident bug guy.

"Sure." Shino agreed.

"Dangit, no one invited you guys!" Kiba complained.

"Oh? Is there a reason that you want to eat alone with Nia." Ino asked with a sly grin.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Ino, but we're just friends." Nia sighed. "No matter how much we strive to annoy each other."

"Are you sure that he wants it to stay that way?" Ino persisted.

"Get lost, She-Devil!" Kiba yelled again before gently pushing the laughing Ino away.

"But as for the answer, sorry Kiba, but I'll have to decline this time." Nia answered. "I want to help my mom work at the hospital so that she can get off early tonight and we can celebrate."

"Alright, but don't work so hard that you miss the selection tomorrow." Kiba snickered to himself before he followed the rest of the group outside. And after she went back to gather her pack of spare kunai that she always kept inside of her desk while at the academy, Nia walked outside as well to discover that there was only a small group of the academy students and their parents left at the training yard's entrance. However, while everyone else seemed to be meeting with their parents and preparing to leave, there was a lone individual sitting by himself at the academy's only tree swing.

The Milk Drinker Ninja (Naruto/Skyrim Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora