"Awww it's okay Lavender I know you've got your eyes on someone over here and I'm pretty sure he's enough." Lavender looked at Jett and glared only she looked like a cute little red tomato.

"Okay.. so ugh what are you doing this weekend?" Chase continues between the awkwardness.

Orion pulled lavender closer and fed her a piece of grape. "Awwww" could be heard from Jett's side of the table to which Lavender stepped on his foot to keep him quite but when she saw the pain on his face she began to feel guilty and mouthed a small 'sorry'

"I- um- I think I'm going to t-take more d-dance classes or maybe even bake." Lavender softly smiles, "what a-about you?"

"Orion didn't tell you? The guys and I are going to a fair. It's a couple towns over but almost the whole school is going, kinda the event of the year." He informs.

"O-oh u-um t-that sounds f-fun." She replied only the small smile on her face didn't quite reach her eyes. She can't believe Orion didn't tell her about the fair, it made her feel unwanted. And being unwanted makes her want to break down so she got up.

"U-uh I just remembered I n-need to talk to my history teacher.. I-I totally f-forgot." She wasn't mad at Orion, not at all. She was just sad he didn't tell her about it and wanted to go to the nurse because she feels distressed.

Chase looked like he just said or mentioned something he wasn't supposed to. While Orion just glared at Chase to clarify that.

Orion didn't invite Lavender for a reason. He didn't want to be seen hanging out with her in the open. Not when there are people still after him. He just couldn't risk that and sure he could've stayed in and not go with the guys but this is their thing. It's the one time in the year the guys gets to let loose and not give a single fuck. Except now. Now it's different. He has lavender and she is the only thing more important to him.

So now that chases big fucking mouth mentioned it. He has to make it up to her because he knows she's not going to see a history teacher.


"Baby, talk to me. Why are you so quite?" Orion spoke, reaching to grab one of her hand while the other is stirring the wheel.

Orion was currently taking Lavender out for ice cream near the school. They had a free period so Orion decided to whisk her away because he's got some explaining to do.

"Lavender are you mad at me?" He clenches his jaw in frustration, he was fucking done with the silent treatment. She's been quite ever since lunch. This isn't some world war issue she needed to be so worked up on. He wants her to communicate.

"N-no I swear!" She exclaims seeing his face.

"Then? Why aren't you talking to me?"

"B-because I-I have n-nothing to say." Lavender shrugs.

Orion sighs and leaves her hand while stopping in the middle of the road. He looked at lavender while turning the car around and going to the opposite direction of the ice cream place.

"W-where are w-we going?" Lavender asks him.

"Back to school. We can go get ice cream later." He muttered not looking at her.

Lavender was shocked, her eyes beginning to tear up but she held them back. 'Was I being rude?' She asked herself.

When they pulled up to the parking lot, Orion was the first one to reach for his door. Lavender however stopped him.

"O-Orion w-wait." She whispers.

Orion closed his eyes and sighed before turning towards her. He raised an eyebrow but quickly changed his expression into a concerned one.

Lavender face was tearful and apologetic he immediately held her face and wiped away the tears that escaped.

"Baby I swear I'm not trying to make you cry. We can go back to get ice cream if you want.. I'm really sorry it's-it's just you frustrate me so fuc- sorry- so freaking much sometimes! Especially when you don't talk to me." His voice thick.

Lavender then shook her head. "No-no I'm s-sorry!! I should h-have just told you w-why I'm so quite but I'm embarrassed." Lavender blushed and pulled away from him.

Orion was hurt that she pulled away but was more concerned over the tone of her voice. "What is there to be embarrassed about?"

"I'm on my period." Lavender spoke so fast that Orion almost missed it.

Orion then took her hand and turned her towards him. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about. I would have completely understand. Now that I know what is disturbing my little красота I can actually take care of her." He said gently.

"S-so you're not mad at me? I-I swear I wasn't trying to ignore you. I-I just can't talk a lot when I have mines because I feel all my energy draining and my stomach hurts like crazy." She pouted

"Of course not." Replied Orion, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. Lavender shivers from the tenderness of his lips.

He then got off the car and walked towards Lavenders side and opened the door for her. Lavender however was still seated, she has never met anyone so charming and understanding in her life. She was honestly one of the luckiest girl alive to have met someone like Orion.

"T-thank you." Lavender shyly hugged him once's she got out of the car. Orion hugs her back and said, "now let's get you some heating pad and chocolates. You're not allowed to have ice cream or any cold drinks before you feel better either." He said softly.

Lavender blushed and buried her face even further on Orion's shirt.

"Oh and Lavender?"

"Yes.." her voice muffled.

"I'm sorry if I ever hurt you or will hurt you just know that it's not my intention alright?"


"And also you're coming to the fair with me. Even if I have to wait for you to finish the extra dance classes you wanted to take."

Lavender slowly pulled back, although her arms was still around him and looked into his dark black eyes. That's when Lavender realizes something. She likes Orion. More than a best friend.

Thank you for reading!!

There will be grammatical mistakes so feel free to point that out

I'm gonna again apologize for the slow updates.. I'm just a really slow writer and sometimes a storyline does not form in my head and I have to erase and re-write a bunch of times. Therefore, it takes me longer to update.

But just know I'm grateful for each and everyone of you.

Thank you for 6k (so unreal) and your amazing feedbacks!!♥︎

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