♟The Last Count♟

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I laid in darkness, afraid to move, afraid to breath, afraid to blink. So I closed my eyes and hoped that all of life would go back to normal. Maybe I would wake up to a warm cup of tea from Bridget or perhaps a peck on the cheek from Sebastian. I blushed and opened my eyes again. Sebastian. He had to sence me. Couldn't he? He could control dreams, couldn't he control thoughts and sence when I was safe? Or in trouble?

Sebastian, can you read my thoughts? Please find me....

I heard the front door of the shop creak open then slam shut. I senced evilness for once in my life. Pure evilness, if that was even possible. How could those two words be in the same sentence but for once, they belonged somehow.

"Where is she, Undertaker?" it was Hannah Annafellows. I gripped my pant legs to keep my hands from trembling. I fixed my jaw firmly, hoping she couldn't hear my beating heart. I closed my eyes again and tried to clear my head but I my thoughts kept going back to Hannah. No. Please, she might be able to sence me as it is, she doesn't need to sence my thoughts.

Coffins. Death. Think of death, or those little bone shaped cookies Undertaker bakes. They always looked so salty, but smelled like warm sugar cookies. Sugar cookies....especially the sweets Sebastian would prepare for us when Ciel was craving sweets.

No, not Sebastian, that is a dead giveaway.

I heard Hannah's footsteps and her angry voice cursing at Grell and Undertaker.

"Fine, fine. I will make a deal with you. Give me the true joy of laughter.....and then I will tell you where she is." said Undertaker. I cursed in my head. She's a demon, of course she will make you laugh. Grell whined loudly.

"But darling! Reapers and demons don't make deal....."

"DEAL." Hannah interupted Grell and I suddenly smelled smoke. "Bet you think that is pretty funny now where is that brat?"

Fire, I peaked out of my coffin and saw smoke billowing into the back of the shop. Undertaker and Grell were coughing and I saw Grell's red trench coat come through the smoke. He dived toward my coffin and slammed the lid down, Hauling it up into his arms he dragged me, in the coffin, out the back of the shop. I could here a fight in the front of the shop. A physical and a verbal one. I heard Grell talking under his breath and panting after he dropped the coffin about a foot. I winced and rubbed my arm, curling up I suddenly felt like we were moving. Horse hooves. Where was he taking me? I really didn't care, as long as I was safe.


The cart left town. I could tell by the way the sounds got dimmer and the road became dirt. I tried to peek from my coffin, but I discovered that Grell must have been using it as his seat as he drove the cart. Smart.

The cart stopped. No warning just came to an immediate halt. I heard Grell dismount and he gave a loud grunt as he hoisted my coffin to his shoulder.

"Darling, please don't panic dear. Please stay calm. I will come back for you very soon." He said, not opening my coffin. I swallowed hard. Was he going to burry me?

My question was answered when I felt myself being lowered somewhere, then dropped yet again. I heard dirt covering the lid and whimpered. Tears clouded my eyes.

"Darling please! Oh my beautiful flower! If you cry, you will suffocate, now please be silent and breathe shallow." he said.

I pursed my lips and the air began to feel dead. The sound of him piling on dirt made a thud every time he applied it, until it became only a faint pat. I breathed shallowly, the earth smelled abundent with decaying life. Leaves from the trees, animal waste, dying creatures. I hoped Grell wouldn't forget where I was burried. I hoped that he had marked my temporary resting place so he knew not to forget me. Or maybe this was a place where someone else could find me.


I counted on my fingers, the minutes that I had spent being burried. Soon, I started crinkling my toes to count, slowly my oxygen levels grew hazy. My eye lids felt heavy and drooped low. Maybe this was the end. Maybe Grell would forget where I was burried and forever I wouldn't rest in an unmarked grave on the side of a hill outside of busy London town.

19 minutes....

1 second, 2 seconds, 3, 4......

Drowzily, I willed myself into a more comfortable laying posision. 5, 6, 7,.....Yes, this is how I was going to die. Suffocated in a coffin, burried alive just to keep me safe. Good work Grell....perhaps this is a better death than what Hannah and Claude had planned for me when I was done living up to their glorious standards. 8, 9......

Sebastian....find me.....Ciel.....forgive me.....Lizzie.....remember me as your cousin who loved fancy gowns and loved her family and friends deeply.

I breathed a deep breathe despite what Grell had told me. My lungs filled with the last of the oxygen in my coffin...



The End.


Keep your eye out for a sequel...."Pieces of Shadow"

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