♟Nightmares & Daydreams♟

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 Bridget and I went into the parlor and waited for Lizzie's arrival, which was promptly after 2PM for afternoon tea.

"Goodafternoon cousin!" I exclaimed, clapping with excitement as she came to sit across from me. Bridget stood beside us, serving us hot lemon tea.

"You seem to be in good spirits this day? What is on your mind?" asked Lizzie. I giggled and my words flew from my mouth in rapid sesssion.

"The fall party this year...I was thinking of mysterious and glorified fairytales." I said. Lizzie tilted her head.

"Do explain? Like are you speaking of fairytales in general or something other than that?" she replied.

"Nightmares and Day Dreams!" I said grinning. "We could dress as angels, cherubs, devils, anything paranormal, or fairytale related. Quite possibly even fairies are invited to join!" Bridget stifled a giggled at my enthusiastic interest, as she left the room for our crumpets.

"Sounds big, and quite fancy. We should have it at my familie's estate, just due to Ciel's great distaste for social gatherings." she sipped her tea and I nodded in agreement.

"Ciel could fake illness perhaps. His asthma could flair." I said, "After all it is fall. Would be likely." Lizzie nodded, worry clouding her eyes.

"He really is doing poor since his last investigation." she sighed, pulling out a sketchbook. "But anyway, would you like to shoot me some costume ideas?" her blonde pigtails swaying slowly as she looked up at me.

"Well for the angels costume, it could be a feathery white dress with gold or silver trim. Gold or silver braiding up the back of it. Fluffy wings and cute shoes with bows on them." I said, closing my eyes pictering it already.

"What about a devil? Would red be too much?" she asked. I snapped my eyes open and grinned at her.

"Blacks and bright reds. Bright, violent colors." I was almost afraid at how devious I sounded. Lizzie arched an eyebrow but sketched something down.


"Grey, sheer materials..."


Days past, the leaves fell and scattered, leaving the trees to become bare. I chose my costume as a vampire. I felt like living in the Phantomhive manor, was slowly sucking my soul into a child of darkness. Especially now that I knew Ciel's secret. I felt like I should approach him about Sebastian but what could be done? Sebastian had made it clear that my cousin was already lost. Yet he lost himself in that month after his parents were murdered. In a moment of weakness he reached out and Sebastian took advantage. Was Ciel concious of his situation? That he'd leave us all for his revenge?

These haunting thoughts drove me mad and I locked myself in my room for several hours everyday, despite Ciel's common demands of me going on investigations with him and Bridget insisting I eat.

But how could I? The thought of Sebastian being a soul starved demon made me insane in many differant ways. And in these moments, I suddenly wondered why I thought of Sebastian so much. Why did it bother me so? If Sebastian fancied me at all in the way I only assumed he did, he would delay Ciel's death if I bid him to...right? Or perhaps in order to do that, I had to make a contract myself.

But would Ciel die when his soul was taken? Possibly. But maybe he himself would become a demon also?

Finally, after a week, I decided to talk to Ciel....and Sebastian.

"Ciel...cousin, this is serious to me...are you...possibly at risk with all this revenge?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes.

"I don't understand why he has to be here for this, Millie. He is merely my butler." he said. Sebastian straightened.

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