Chapter 31

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21.10.1988 - New Jersey

Jon's point of view

When I woke up, I directly looked over to Richie and chuckled. He was laying on his back and had his head tilted to the side, his beautiful eyes closed. Cookie was still laying on top of him, his nose buried in Richie's fluffy brown locks, that were spreaded all over the pillow. Such a cute little family I had. I finally decided to get up, making breakfast for Richie, Cookie and me. After a while I got back into the bedroom, waking Richie up with a soft good morning kiss on those rosy lips. "Hey Rich, breakfast is ready", I mumbled and took one of his hands in mine. "Hey sweetie, just trying to get up. Did you know that Cookie is really heavy?", he whined jokingly and caressed his fluffy fur. Cookie opened his big brown eyes soon after that and let out a little cute yawn, making Richie and me smile and squeeze each other's hand lightly. After he realized Richie and me being still there, he barked happily and licked both of us through the face. I was lucky and could escape the little attack, but Richie was just under Cookie and got the whole attack. Cookie licked his face and pressed his cold, wet nose against the skin of Richie's bare chest, making him whimper while he was laughing. "Enough, little rascal, now it's your turn", he whispered and pushed Cookie off of him and onto the matress next to him, hovering over him and tickling his little warm tummy. Cookie was licking his own nose the whole time, because it tickled him so much, making Richie laugh a little more. "C'mon Rich, babe, let's go eat something", I whispered and slid my hand over his muscular back. "Okay babe. Cookie, I'm still not done with you", he whispered and patted his little head, then getting out of the bed. "I love you sweetie", I mumbled and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, looking into his beautiful eyes. "Love you too babes", he replied and kissed me lovingly, the kiss growing deeper and deeper with each moment going by. Richie was soon moaning on my mouth, I could already feel his hard-on against my belly. I was about to push him onto the bed, when Cookie climbed up our legs, licking over the back of my leg. With a sigh I pulled away from Richie's lips and leaned down to pick up little, innocent Cookie. Richie sighed too and sat down on the edge of the bed, patting his thighs for me to sit on. I smiled softly at him and sat down, leaning against his bare chest. "Love you babes", he whispered and caressed my hair, making me smile even more and place a kiss under his collar bone. "Love you too Rich", I finally replied and closed my eyes, feeling Cookie snuggling up to my chest. He was very cute of course, but I didn't want Richie to be mad at him for kinda 'interrupting' us. So I decided just to ask. "Rich, are you mad at Cookie?" "No, not really. I just can't be mad at something that cute. I'm a little disappointed, I must admit", he whispered and looked down. He was the cute one here. "We can try to continue after breakfast if you want", I mumbled and locked my eyes on his, placing a gentle kiss on his soft lips as he nodded.

After a while of just sitting there and feeling the presence of each other, we got up and ate our breakfast, exchanging loving glances over the table all the time. Cookie had eaten too by then, he was laying under the table and slept. Richie finally nodded towards the bedroom and I smiled at him, getting up. "C'mon, and be careful not to wake Cookie up again", he whispered in my ear as soon as he was standing behind me. "Sure babe", I replied and turned around, being directly pulled into a heated kiss. Richie quickly lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom, never breaking the kiss which was getting more heated every second. I had the desire to moan, but l tried to be as quiet as I could, for Cookie's sake. Richie straddled my legs finally and got a protection, then putting it on and sucking roughly on my neck. Now I couldn't hold back the moans anymore. Richie's tip always brushed slightly over my entrance, but he didn't enter. I was whimpering under him, begging him to stop teasing me. But he didn't listen to my pleadings of pleasure of course. Finally I couldn't wait anymore. I bucked up my hips, causing him to pass my tight muscles and let out a lusty groan. "Rich", I sighed and wrapped my arms around his back for support, closing my eyes as he started to thrust. It wasn't long until we both were close to releasing, the sexual tension was almost too much to bear. "Jon... Come with me...", Richie panted and pumped me while hitting my spot. With a loud moan of his name I came, my cum leaving little stains on the sheets. "Jon...", Richie moaned loudly and came too, gripping tightly onto my waist. After he collapsed on my chest, I closed my eyes and let out a loud sigh. "Love you babes", Richie mumbled and cuddled up into my arms, his breath hitting my bare skin. As I opened my eyes, I saw something little and furry watching us with big brown eyes from the doorway. I gulped. He was a baby. He shouldn't see something like that. "Rich", I whispered and tugged on his long brown locks, causing him to turn his head and look at me a little confused. "Cookie saw us doing the thing", I mumbled and nodded towards the doorway, seeing Cookie tilting his head to the side. "Fuck...", he mumbled and hid his blushing face in my chest. "Let's just pretend he didn't see what we did", I whispered and caressed his hair, closing my eyes again. Suddenly Cookie jumped onto the bed and pressed his cold nose against Richie, making him howl and roll off of me. I giggled, but finally noticed what Cookie was doing. He was licking my stomach and chest, which was still lightly covered with sweat and cum. "Cookie, no!", I yelled and pushed him away from my body, making him whine a little. "Rich, he licked up the cum...", I whispered desperately and looked at him, seeing his eyes wide but a smirk on his lips. "It's nothing bad, I mean it's not toxic or something like that", he finally mumbled and I nodded, hugging him once again. "Shower babe?", he finally asked. "Yes please", I mumbled and let him pull me up and out of the bed.

After a long, intense shower, we dressed once again and left the apartment to go for a walk with Cookie. We were already halfway through a park, when we met Dave and Al. "Look Dave, the King of Swing and Captain Kidd at once!", Alec yelled and ran towards us, hugging me. He hadn't noticed Cookie yet, but that was fine by me. When he finally did, a loud squeal was heard. "Oh my God!!!! How cute!!!!" I smirked and crouched down, telling Cookie to come over to me. He happily jumped on my lap and cuddled up to my chest as I picked him up. "Is it yours, Rich?", Dave asked excited and I shook my head. "First, it is a he and his name is Cookie and second, he's not mine, he's ours", I replied, laying one arm around Jon's shoulders. "Oh", Dave whispered and switched his eyes from me to Jon, then from Jon back to me. "A-are you together again?", he finally asked, making us nod hesitantly. "We were never separated", Jon whispered and I looked down, trying to focus on the little animal in my arms. "What?" "We were never not together, we never broke up. The day we were in the studio, we met up afterwards and ended up in bed", Jonny added, making me blush heavily. "Holy shit, why did you never tell us?", Dave asked and we looked down, not wanting to answer. "Well, we thought it would be better to say nothing, since it would only make problems", I finally whispered, seeing Jon nodding in agreement in the corner of my eye. Dave and Al just sighed and embraced us into a hug, caressing Cookie's head afterwards. "If you want, we will keep it a secret from Doc", Dave finally suggested and I smiled, nodding wildly after seeing Jon doing the same. "Thanks", I whispered and hugged them again, giving both a quick kiss on the cheek. As I turned around again, Jon practically threw himself on me, kissing me deeply. I replied the kiss and hugged him afterwards, resting my chin on his shoulder. "I love you Jon" "Love you too Rich, babe", he replied and finally parted from me, taking my hand and looking at the others. "So, do you want to come home with us?", Jon asked and they shrugged, then nodded. "Okay, then c'mon!", I said and gestured them to follow me, Cookie still in my arms.

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