#JROS 5: A Thousand Paper Planes (Teru Nishizawa)

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A/N: Hi guys, I'm sorry if I didn't update this for a long time as I focus more on my other story. So here's a one shot of Teru of MFS, enjoy reading!


"I'm sorry Sophia but we still can't find a matching donor for you."

Thirteen words. But it was the most tear-jerking words I've ever heard in my twenty-three years of existence in this planet called her Earth. Every single day, I always kept on asking myself; why it has to be me? Why do I need to suffer like this? Do I have no right to be happy, living without this?

I responded to the doctor with a single tear falling from my left eye, it was already two years since I discovered that I have a chronic kidney disease. I remember all the times where I would feel consistent swellings on my feet and ankles, I thought it's just normal that's why I'm ignoring it but as the days goes by, I started to feel other symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, hypertension, etc. Until I found out that there's something horribly wrong on me and this is it.

The doctors said that my condition is already worse and the only way I could get away from this is to have kidney transplant, but unfortunately, we were having a hard time to find a matching donor for me. So while waiting for a donor, I'm currently undergoing dialysis to extend my life, there are some side effects but I have to endure it even if it's making me weak—I have to be strong for my family and all of my friends.

"I'll come back if there's any updates." the doctor said.

I nodded before the doctor leaves, I continue on reading Perks of Being a Wallflower because I wasn't able to finish this yet due to sessions of my dialysis. This is what I'm doing to kill my boredom since I stayed here in the hospital, reading books but sometimes I make origamis with the help of my little brother.

As I flipped on the next page, I heard a soft knock on the door, it must be her. "Come in." I said.

When I looked up, I flashed a smile as I saw MFS walked in with Teru carrying a basket of fresh fruits while Kid'z carries a bouquet of sunflowers, they know that it brightens up my day.

"Hi Sophia." they said in unison with Hiroki and Nob waving their hands.

"Hello." I answered.

"How are you?"

"Sad because there's no matching donor for me but I'm still fighting."

"Aw, that's sad to hear." Hiroki said. "But don't lose hope Sophia, you can find someone will match you."

"I hope so."

I get the heart origami from the table, it was made by Teru for me during his last visit here and I'm using it as a bookmark, I place it on the pages where I stopped reading then I put it aside.

"Keep on fighting, be strong for the people you love especially to.." Kid'z gave Teru a teasing glance. "Teru." he continued.

"Tsk, picking me again, Shohei?" he said while he lightly punched Kid'z shoulder.

"Ouch." he complained. "I'm not picking you, I'm just telling the truth."

"The truth that you don't believe." Nob added.

"What the heck are you guys saying?" Teru scratched his forehead out of confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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