Chapter 8: Crown Game

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As we exited the Door Test room,  Kimura pointed out." By the way..That person is definitely a male."

"Seriously.. How can you tell?" Seo blinked.

"I just had the feeling.. It's one of my hidden talents!" She looked proud for a second there.

" That's a unique talent.. I guess." Seo says. "That coffee guy must be a crossdresser.."

Kimura questions. "Where did that male went to anyway?"

"Oh Ryuji? He rushed to the bathroom just now."

"He better hurry up, the next test is about to begin.." After she said that, the said person went back to us. He looked like he was deep in thought.

"Hey. That place was crowded with that Khun guy's friends when I went out.." He says, complaining. " I swear I was the only person when I came in.."

"No one's asking you, male." Kimura suddenly insulted him.

"Annoying girl.. Do you want to fight-"

Before the two regulars can attack each other, the yellow haired ranker walks in. Beside him is a Bee looking girl who acted as an assistant.

"DID YOU HAVE ANY REST, REGULARS?" Lero-ro greets the regulars.

"Oh! Mr. Lero-Ro!" Bam greeted him.

"I came with very good news!" He continues.

"I talked with the supervisor before going here, she told us to give you a bonus game!"

"Yeah.. no thanks. I'd rather get some rest first." Ryuji suddenly says.

"Hate to agree with him there." Kimura also said.

"What? Seriously?" Seo blinked at her bipolar teammates, who were suddenly getting along.

"The bonus game has nothing to do with the tests. There's no penalty if you don't join." He then said. "However, the winning team gets to pass the final test of this floor and go straight to the next one."

That got everyone's attention afterwards.

" But what about the other tests?" Khun asked the ranker.

"They don't have to take them."

"That's a good advantage.. So what's the game?" A brown regular asked.

"The game is called the Crown Game. I'll explain at the test spot."

Seo turns to her pinkette teammate as they followed the group. " Hey, Kimura. Didn't you take this game before?"

"Well no.. This bonus game is new to me."  Kimura thinks.


"Now that we're all here, I will explain the game to you!" Lero-Ro said. "The person who holds the crown at the end of the round is the winner."

"But the rules are complicated.. There are five rounds with 10 minutes each, and only five teams can participate in each round."

"To end the round early, a member can sit on the throne while wearing the crown. However, some movements are restricted for the remaining rounds.


"Since there are five rounds, it is much safer to wait for the last rounds than join the first three. There is no point in entering the first round." Seo thinks out loud.

" Yes, I agree. Only an idiot would think of joining too early." Ryuji looks at the direction where the buzzer was pressed.

Seo suddenly catches Kimura grinning, Ryuji also saw her face- "Oh no! Stop that woman!"

"Try me. " She teases and moves forward to press the button.

"Kimura, let's wait for now." Seo says outloud. The said person only looked back at her.

" You'll have more chances to figbt stronger regulars in the next rounds. You know, if a certain blue hair guy was there.."

" Hm.. if you say so."

"Phew.. that was too close." Ryuji sweatdrops. Happy that his reckless teammate did not press the button.



They watched as a green skinned girl obliterated a whole team by herself, her other two teammates looked strong. One was a calm swordsman and other was the plain-looking tracksuit guy from the barrier test. Seo only watched as their team argued as the green girl sat on the throne while wearing the crown.

"A monster team.." Ryuji looked shocked and said. "We're screwed.. Maybe we should just wait till the last round."

Kimura tries to kick Ryuji's head, which he dodged successfully. " No one's backing out! Until we figure out how to beat the lizard."

"Ah! why you.. Well, good luck with that."

"And that weapon she's holding.. it's the Green April!" Kimura said, seriously.

"What's that?" The orange hair guy asked.

"You idiot! It's part of the 13 months created by the king himself. There's a possibility that the lizard is a princess."

"A princess of Jahad?" Ryuji wonders. "Anyway.. we're really screwed at this point if they have a princess."

"Lucky for the other teams, she can't move from that throne. Her teammates has to cover for her now." Kimura further explains.

" I say we fight them in this round.. I'm starting to get bored.."

" OH NO, You dont! Seo quick dont let her get closer!" Ryuji shouts, loudly.

Seo puts her hands up and a green shield appeared in front of her pinkette teammate.

"HEY ! NO FIGHTING IN YOUR ROOMS! Or else you're out of the bonus game." The bee looking girl smiles at them,  threateningly.

"Tch.. You're not useless after all, Seo!" Kimura smiles. "Alright, you convinced me. I'll wait for the next round. But that will be my limit."

" Alright, I don't know whats going on but crisis is averted.. thank god." Ryuji thinks to himself.


(AN: DONT forget to VOTE or comment on dis chapter,, if you want :>)

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