Chapter 2: Evankhell's Floor

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I opened my eyes and saw an empty blue sky. Okay.. now where am I this time? I looked around and saw I'm in an unfamiliar yellow grass field. In a distance, I could see figures of people scattered around the place.

This place was not the same island that I remember.

"Hey Rin? Where are we?" I said, trying to find the black hair girl and the penguins.

****broken mic***

I cringed in pain.. whyy

"Mic test!" A loud voice broke through my thoughts. "Ah! Hello everyone! All the regulars who made it to the tower."

"We sincerely welcome you to the 2nd floor, Evankhell's Floor!"

"In here, we carry out the test to see if you whether you are qualified to go up the tower!"

"How did I end up here? Nonono.. I should be at that island.." Lost in my thoughts, I stepped on something on the grass floor, there was a glint of a dagger. By instinct, I went down to get it and gripped the handle tightly. I should hold on to it for now.

"Hey..." I heard someone call in my direction. I hid the blade in the side of my long skirt in case something terrible happens...

I turned around to search for the voice and saw girl with pink hair in a ponytail. The stranger was a few inches taller than me. She had pink eyes, and looked suspicious. She wore a blue dress and a giant axe for a girl her age.

"⸮qu mɒɘƚ oƚ ƚᴎɒw uoY" the strange girl asked me, her head tilting to the right.

"What? What are you saying?" I said, confused at her language.

"¿ɥnɥ" She looked confused for a while then understood, the girl took out a weird circular device and handed it to me.

"She wants to give it to me?" I touched it, and suddenly I heard a female voice.

"There. You can understand me now?" The pink-haired girl grinned at me; she felt relieved they could communicate better.

"Oh thank youu! But what did you give me?" I thank her, relieved to understand her finally.

"Weird.. You didn't get any pocket?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sadly no.." I deadpanned, Rin forgot to mention that.

"Well, you can have my extra. It can translate anything to the main language of the inner tower, it's only E-rank though."

"What else does it do?" I asked, looking at the 'pocket.'

"Many useful functions, just command it to "invisible mode" for now." She sounded too lazy to explain. I did what she said, and the circle was concealed from my vision. "Geez, how will you survive this test without knowing this?"

" Well.. this is my first time taking it.."

"Just say 'visible mode' to make it appear later," The weird pink haired girl continues. " Well goodluck, things will be crazier as the test starts."

"Hey, I have questions.. Like where the heck are we?"

When she heard that, she started laughing out loud. After being laughed at, she finally replied-

" You're funny. There's no way you don't know where we are.."


"We're in Evankhell's floor or the second test just like the administrator said." She said.

"..I see. So, Who are you?"

" I'm Kimura. Don't worry I'll protect any cute girl here~" the weird girl said. "How about you?"

"Seo." Somehow, that was the only thing I remembered from my memory loss.

"Nice to meet you, Seo~"

" Hey.. Ms. Kimura. Have you seen a black haired girl with a lei around here or any penguin?" I asked the pink haired girl.

" Hm.. don't remember. And I don't recall seeing any penguins here i'm afraid." She replies, looking bored. 

I frowned at her reply. Where could she be?

" Maybe they're somewhere in this floor. You'll get to meet them after this test."

" Hm.. right." I doubted they would be here. I can visit them after I survive the first test. " Now how do we escape this place?"

"The first test is simple! I will explain the rules, so listen carefully." The announcer paused as I went back to listening to the voice from the floating circle. 

"The rules of the first test follows! There are 400 regulars here! Narrow that 400 to 200! Try every possible means!"

"A-any possible means? you don't mean like killing right?" my eyes widened at my situation.

"Yup that's what we have to do in this stage!" She sounded too excited there. "And there is no way to escape, just complete the test and it will be over."

"But I don't recall applying to a death game.." I thought to myself, and my heart started to speed up in the tense atmosphere. Having to lose my old memories didn't help either. Could this be one of the tower floors that Rin was talking about?

" Hey, pay attention. We have company.." As Kimura said that, regulars started circling us and they didn't look friendly and held their weapons.

" I'll be right back fast.." She charged at the regulars in front of us and striked her axe at them.

I looked back, trying to not get hit.

"HAHA I GOT YOU NOW!" the shout came from a green-skinned guy aimed his sword at my stomach. By instinct, I jumped out of the way to survive that attack.

He charged again and tried to hit me. I was able to avoid every attempt of getting slashed. His aggressive swinging was able to land a cut on my right shoulder. I clutched the wound with my left hand, there was blood on my blue dress. A flying axe suddenly stabbed his forehead as I watched him fall down to the ground.

Kimura came beside me and casually asked. "Phew.. That was way too close. Are you okay there, Seo?"

" Y-yeah I'm fine, it's just a small wound.." I looked at the other girl who had more blood on her dress, she smiled as if another person didn't just die in front of us. Maybe I should run away from this crazy girl.. 

Kimura removed her axe from the regular. 

"Oh hey, glad to see you're still alive.. The other regulars sure are weak, they didn't put much of a fight.." She says, looking back at the regulars from earlier. Seo looked at their surroundings, and saw three regulars lying dead on the grass around her. 

"R-right.. Let's just get out of here.." I assured myself to find an opportunity to run away from her.

" Don't worry.. I have a plan for this test." Kimura smiles. 

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