"This is really good, Yoongi. Thank you."

He merely nodded at the compliment, but you swore that you caught a flash of pink on his cheeks.

The rest of the meal was finished in silence, followed by the two of you getting ready to go...somewhere. You figured he'd tell you once you got in the car so you'd at least know where you were driving to. As you gathered your things to leave, you couldn't help but notice the threadbare outfit he was wearing as he met you by the door. It was one you'd noticed numerous times before, as you recognized the black and red t-shirt that you remembered had a hole near the armpit. You hoped clothes was one of the things he'd let you get today.

Yoongi follows behind as you head towards your car then slides into the passenger seat and buckles up without any prompting. He grabs your phone when you set it down and puts directions onto it.

"That's where we need to go. It's like a Costco for hybrid goods."

You nod and pull out, letting Yoongi put on the music app before setting it back to the GPS for you.

"If it's like a Costco does that mean we need a membership?"

"Yup. Only humans can apply for it, although I'll get a card too."

"So what all do we need? Like, clothes, food, I dunno...litterbox?"

Yoongi quietly growled as he stared at you incredulously. Even his ears and tail looked offended, flickering at you with agitation.

"Try and make me use a litterbox. I dare you."

"I said I didn't know!"

He scoffed and settled into his seat in silence, and it remained that way for the rest of the thirty-minute drive to get to the store. He didn't appear too angry, more like annoyed, which was understandable.

As you pulled into the parking lot, you were surprised by the sheer massiveness of the place. The greeter at the door was a friendly Lab hybrid that directed you to the membership counter, where you obtained a couple of cards after paying a membership fee and taking a couple of pictures. You supposed it would be worth it if Yoongi was really staying and you'd be needing to keep him supplied with...whatever you were here for.

You pushed the cart along, studying the products with wonder. You had no idea hybrids had so many different things. The cart soon became filled with soaps and shampoos, toothpaste, brushes, the fluffiest towels you'd ever felt, fifteen bath bombs, and at least five blankets because apparently Yoongi didn't skimp on his comfort items. The clothes that the two of you picked through were some of the softest fabrics you'd ever felt, and the pants all had holes of different sizes for tails to fit through. You'd even gotten a couple sweaters for yourself because you'd loved the plush feel of them so much.

The food area was really impressive and had lots of hybrid friendly meals ready to go, as well as a fish section that had Yoongi enthralled. The roasted chicken samples seemed to make him just as happy. You came out of the food section with more food than you'd ever bought at once before. You should probably explain to Yoongi at some point that you can make a pretty swell can of soup and that's the extent of your cooking ability.

After nearly an hour and a half of wandering the store, Yoongi had you stop in front of a wall of collars. You were surprised, as you hadn't pegged him for the type to want a collar, and it must have shown on your face because he snorted at your expression.

"It's the law. All hybrids have to wear a collar outdoors. I only got away with it when we were coming in here because we're obviously new. Stupid law, but whatever."

Owner TrainingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora