"Whatever Michael." Ashton says throwing a pillow at him but you can see the hurt in his eyes.

I pull away from Luke and sit beside Ashton who's eyes light up. He puts his arm around my shoulder and holds me close.

"So, Barbie Boy. Here's the thing," Michael begins as he stands up, "you can't tell anyone about us, or this little meeting were having right now. Got it?"

Luke crosses his arms and glares at Michael who glares right back.

"And why would I listen to you? You're dead anyway asswipe." Luke snaps and Michael narrows his eyes as they go black.

Michael gets right in Luke's face. "You better listen to me you little asshole or you're gonna be on the missing people list and no ones gonna find you. What you saw today was nothing compared to the shit I can do. I can fuck you right up Hemming's. Don't test me."

Michael then gives him a fake ass smile and sits back down beside Calum who looks frozen and confused and a tad frightened. Michael turns on the Xbox, grabs the controller and begins playing a killing game.

I glance at Luke who's more pale then before.

"So, Lucas. Don't tell and Michael won't have to fuck you up. Simple as that." Ashton says shrugging and then glaring. "And stop flirting with Paisley."

Luke raises his eyebrows. "And why should I?"

Before Ashton can say anything Michael pipes in. "Did you forget he's dead also Barbie? He can do what I can do but probably 10000x worse because he died before me. So stop flirting with Pup."

"Pup?" Luke asks confused and Calum face palms while Ashton rolls his eyes and Michael groans.

"Paisley is Pup dumbass. Keep up." Michael snaps never taking his eyes off the screen.

"What do you mean?" He asks. Michael looks like he's gonna explode if Luke keeps asking stupid questions.

"Just ignore them. It's a stupid nickname they came up with because of an incident." I say waving it off as I watch Michael kill random people.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Nothing that concerns you." Ashton says holding me tighter to him. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Does it involve Paisley?" Luke asks and Ashton nods.

"Then it does concern me." Luke growls and I growl back but stop when I get an amused look from the other boys (besides Luke because he doesn't know about my fox stuff).

"No not really. If it really did, don't you think you would have known about it before any of us. Well besides Ashton because he's with her all the time." Michael says still playing the game but glancing at Luke every so often.

"Oh are you." Luke says glaring at Ashton who smiles.

"Well yeah besides school. That's Michael's thing." He says and I turn my body so I'm now laying on his chest.

"Are you dating the ghost?" Luke blurts out and his cheeks turn pink and I can see Ashton's eyes widen.

I sit up and give Luke a confused look. "Why do you wanna know?"

"Well, you're so touchy with him and stuff." Luke says.

"I'm still here! Don't talk about me like I'm not here. Even when I'm not here I still am." Ashton says sounding offended and a little pissed off. Can't blame the poor guy.

"What's it to you if I'm dating Ash or not?" I say getting offended myself. It's my love life not his.

"Nothing I'm just asking." He says putting his hands up.

"Okay so I know why you guys are with her but, why are you here with her?" Luke asks looking at Calum who sighs.

"I'm her friend. I'm aloud to hang out with friends." Calum say like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"You're always with her, don't you have any other friends?" He asks. 'Kay he's being an ass.

"Paisley's my........ Special friend." Calum says smirking at me and I laugh because I really am special aren't I?

Michael and Ashton snicker while Luke looks lost. Okay now we're just being rude to him.

"Luke it's late why don't you head home?" I say and he nods his head.

I get up to walk him out and Ashton pouts.

We walk to the door and say our goodnights and he pecks the top of my head like old times and leaves.

I then go back into the living room and flop down beside Ashton. He automatically puts his arms around me.

"So Calum. You staying the night or are you going home? Considering you live a few houses down....." I say around a giant ass yawn.

"I'll stay. If I went home now I'd probably get in so much shit. I'll crash on the couch." He says and I sleepily nod my head.

"Okay that's fine." I mumble and Ashton rubs my arms making me even more sleepy.

Ashton whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine, "Go to sleep babe."

And with a peck on my forehead I fall into a deep sleep hearing Michael and Calum arguing over what pizza topping is the best.

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