"Sweet Dreams."

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Paisley's POV

I frown as I sit on the couch waiting for Calum and Ashton to come back from the kitchen.

My ears perk up at the mention of Luke's name.

"-hurt Luke?" I hear someone ask.

Almost like a smirk in there voice.... "Your words not mine."

What the hell are they talking about? Is Luke okay, do they know what happened to him?

"Ashton, we can let him hurt Luke." Calum says and I frown, now knowing that the snarky comment was Ashton's and I furrow my eyebrows wondering what's gotten into him randomly.

I shake my head and tune back into there conversation.

"Luke's not my responsibility Calum. And it's kind of a good thing Michael took him. I mean, yeah it sucks for Pais but good for me because then I don't have to worry about him pulling anything on Paisley." I hear Ashton say and my eyes narrow into slits.

Well fuck you to Ashton.

"You're an asshole." I hear Calum say and I mentally agree with on how Ashton's acting right now.

"So I've been told."

I hiss at nothing but at Ashton's words.

"Do you think Michael will hurt Luke?" Calum asks probably ignoring Ashton's asshole self.

"Well, I've known Michael almost all my dead, and undead life. So you've got a good chance that he will hurt him..." Ashton says and my eyes widen with fear in them, not cause I'm scared for myself but cause I'm scared for Luke.

He did nothing wrong, he's a good guy. At times.

"What's wrong with you?" Calum says and I ask the same thing in my head about Ashton.

I shake my head, my ears pinned down to my head flat at both boys walk out and I mentally hit Ashton.

I get up and stretch, ignoring Ashton's stare and smile at Calum.

I start to walk up stairs. "Gonna go get a bag ready. I think I'm gonna stay with Calum tonight at his mums." I say and Calum looks relieved and Ashton looks confused and hurt.

"What? Why?" Ashton asks with big hazel eyes that I've fallen oh so hard for.

I slowly shake my head. "I just don't feel safe here tonight is all. Ashton I want you to stay here just in case either of them shows up." I say and he sighs but nods his head.

I nod my head before continuing my way up the stairs and towards my bedroom.

I grab out a bag and stuff a bunch of clothes into it and all my cleaning products.

I grab a sweater and throw it in over my tank top.

I fix my hair and put it in a bun.

I grab my bag and make my way down stairs and sigh.

Ashton's by the door looking down and biting his lip. I walk over to him and grab his hand making his head snap up to me as he smiles softly at me.

I return it and kiss him gently.

"I love you Ash. Please remember that." I tell him as I pull away and he nods his head pecking my forehead.

"I love you to." He mumbles against my temple before pulling back and I head out the door and I smile as I see Calum by my car already.

I climb in and Calum climbs into the drivers seat. I can't even drive right now because my mind is so scrambled.

"I'm glad you came with me. I was planning on staying at my mums tonight anyway. Today was to weird." He breaks the silence and I nod my he's agreeing with him.

"I'm in love with a psychopath aren't I?" I sigh and he looks over at me with a confused expression but then his eyes dart up to the top of my head and he sighs before returning his gaze to the road.

"You heard...." He says and I lean my head against the seat.

"Yeah. One thing I wish I didn't eves drop on." I sigh.

"Yeah but then you would still be at the house with your psychopath boyfriend." He says chuckling lightly and I give him a glare and his laughter dies down. "To soon?"

I sigh and turn the radio on.

Rule The World by Walk Off The Earth comes on and I close my eyes just listening to the hum of the car and the song that's pretty catchy to me.


I guess I fell asleep because when I wake up next I'm being carried into the house by someone.

And that someone being Calum.

He notices in awake and stops. "Oh hey you're up."

I yawn and nod my head as he gently puts me down and I grab onto him so I don't fall over.

"You okay there Pais?" He asks and I sigh nodding my head again. "Okay let's go up to my old room."

I again nod my head to tired to care.

He wraps an arm around my waist and I lean against him trying to keep my eyes open as he leans my up the stairs in the dark.

We make it to his room and he shuts the door turning the light in and I hiss at the light and he chuckles and I growl at him and he stops just as quickly.

"Okay right. Um you can change in the bathroom." Calum says and I walk over to my bag and grab out random clothes that seem to fit pjs in my mind and I make my way to his bathroom more awake then I was before.

Cat naps are always good.

Ha see what I did there?

Anyway. I change into my shorts and a shirt that I stole from Luke a couple years ago.

I yawn and I catch my reflection in the mirror and I sigh staring at my weird fox eyes and my ears that are not poking out from my hair.

I take my hair tie out and shake my hair out and run my hair through it.

My blue is fading. Need to get new colours.

I blink at my reflection and sigh picking up my clothes and walking back into Calum's room and I slap my hand overt eyes and he gasps.

"Asshole. Could have told me you were changing. Would have been so helpful thank you." I say and he chuckles from behind me.


"Okay I'm good. You can turn around now." He says and I turn around hissing as he's now got on a pair of sweats.

"Let's go to bed." I say and he nods his head.

I crawl into the bed and Calum shuts the light off, my eyes adapting to the dark immediately. He crawls in after and I automatically curl up to him taking him by surprise but he slowly wraps his arms around me.

A sigh leaving my lips. "Does your mom know that we're both here?" I ask.

"No......" He chuckles and I hit his chest lightly.

"Goodnight Calum." I whisper while closing my eyes.

I feel him peck the top of my head and I smile softly. "Night Pais. Sweet dreams."

And I let sleep take over.

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