The Second Meeting

Start from the beginning

"I think I could do with another cup." You grin widely, and quickly prepare another batch of coffee, wondering how long he would keep wanting "another cup." 

Tony- You walked out of the police station, a satisfied grin on your face. You had just been informed that the men who had mugged you had been discovered and caught. They didn't give the name of the captor, but you didn't really care at this point. Those men were getting their just desserts. 

Speaking of, your stomach grumbles at the thought of a dessert. You check your wallet, and decide to treat yourself a little. You walk a couple blocks, until finding your favorite bakery shop. As you open the door, a little bell rings. No one else seems to be in, and you get first dibs in line. You hit the ringer on the counter, and wait.

It seems you've waited for five minutes, so you ring again. This time, a tall man emerges from the kitchen in the back. His face is covered by his hat, and he doesn't lift it until he meets you at the counter.  

"What can I get you, miss?" A voice says. You look up, and gasp. It's Tony! 

He smirks at you, obviously satisfied with your reaction. Taking the hat off, and untying his apron, he exits from behind the counter, carrying two large cupcakes with him. You are a little confused, but can't help but roll your eyes. This man seemed to like to show off. Then you wondered why he was showing off in the first place.

He offers you a cupcake, and you grudgingly take it, brushing his hand. He raises an eyebrow. 

"Ooh, thirsty, are we?" He mutters. Your mouth falls open in surprise. Then, without thinking, you smash the cupcake in his face. You smear the frosting all over his goatee, and take some crumbs into his hair. He exclaims in surprise, and tries to block your strokes, but you're too fast. 

By the time you're done, his face looks more like Picasso. You giggle out loud, and he can't help but smile. He reaches blindly for a napkin, and you hand him one, this time keeping your hand there. His smile widens, and softens. After you take your hand away, he wipes up his face. He goes for another cupcake, this one bigger than the last. You reach for it, but he smashes it on your shirt, laughing loudly. You gasp, and seething happiness takes over. You grab a fistful of mini cinnamon buns from the trays and throw them at his head. They hit their mark.  He takes a sample spoon from the frosting, and eyeing you evilly, whispers "En guard."

Before you know it, it's an all-out war. Tony brought out the tub of frosting, and that got absolutely everywhere! Sprinkles flew like hail. Cupcake and muffin prints splattered both of your shirts.  

When it's finally over, you are bent over and gasping for air. Tony's leaning against a wall, heaving slightly. When you look up, he's grinning from ear to ear. 

"You really know who to pick a fight with," he smirks. You just roll your eyes and begin to grab napkins to clean yourself up. Before you reach them, his gentle hand stops you. 

"Allow me." With a snap of his fingers, a whole suit of armor materializes around him, and he transforms into your savior. The robot extends his hand, and you take it. He pulls you tight, and you rest your head on his iron chest. You feel his boosters heat up, and you only realize after you've smashed through the ceiling that this was really happening. 

Bruce- After Bruce's sudden leave at the party, you didn't feel like staying, so you started walking home, the music of the party following you for almost a mile.  Yes, even though your home was miles from the party, you had walked.  You couldn't help it.  The full moon was out, the stars glimmered undisturbed, and it was rumored a shower would start tonight.

While you walked, a flash of green caught your eye.  You looked up, but nothing was there.  You shrugged and kept walking.

For the next week or so, you continue your work on your tesla coils.  You had started the project when you were five, but you had built on it until now.  It was almost finished, and you were thinking of how to celebrate, when you heard a distant knock at your door.  You pulled off your gloves and apron, and ran up the stairs to the door.  You wondered who it could be, since you were in the basement, and the knocking was coming from the inside door to the basement.

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