City Square

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(Y/N) had been so grateful of her first hours out of her cell. She had been treated with such kindness, of which was unexpected. Radiant treated her graciously, offering her access to his residence whenever she needed something.

(Y/N) felt so loved. More than she was even before being thrown into her cell.


City Square: Chapter 3

A ringing came from the door. "Oh! It's Unpredictable! He's here to take over for me. Despite having such a Radiant time with you, (Y/N), I still have Operative Duties to attend to!" He called an apology out to me as he unlocked the door, greeting Unpredictable.

I don't have much memory of [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable. But I know he's a bit hard to read at times, well, emotion wise.

As I waited for Radiant to return from speaking with his fellow operative, I took a glance at the big mirror, which was placed right above a dresser with all kinds of cologne and cosmetics.

I still couldn't believe my appearance. I don't know what was in that medication, but it sure did fix up my appearance.

"Oh (Y/N)~!" Radiant sung, skipping over to me. "I'll be right back! I promise I will be back to bring you to my residence before night time. It's quite dangerous out there..." He glares to the steampunk hat-wearing operative. "I'd hate for you to be out so late!"

I nod. "I'm sure I'll be fine! I'll be with [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable!" I keep my positive attitude up, even though I am quite scared of what goes on at night.

He chuckles, leading me to the doorway. "Have fun you two! But not too much fun!" He glares to Unpredictable, whispering something in his ear before taking his leave.

Unpredictable grunts beside me, rolling his eyes.

"What did he say to you, [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable?" I ask, curious.

He sighs. "He just warned me to have you back at his residence before nightfall. He acts like he's everything. I've been an Operative longer than he has!"

"I see..." I hum, strolling along the path beside him. I notice his white gun strapped to his hip. "Where are we going?"

"I want to refresh your memory. So I'll take you by some of the shops." He explains, keeping a stern, yet friendly demeanor.
We walk to the stairs leading down to the lower level. It all seems so much familiar!

Everything was the same except for two shops. They looked new; they are called Dynamic's  Bookstore and Benevolent's Bakery. 

I didn't know that they had shops!

Unpredictable notices my staring. "Would you like to go check out the new stores? We might see Benevolent and Dynamic if you'd really like." He suggests, gently grabbing my hand and leading me to Dynamic's Bookstore.

"I'd love to!" I say, strolling with him in the new flatts Radiant had gifted me.

Once we entered the bookstore, I felt a new sense of calm. There were only three shelves of books. At the counter, there was the Purple Sunglasses-wearing operative, Dynamic_Day.

"Greetings, [OPERATIVE] Dynamic. " I greet kindly.

"Ah, welcome (Y/N). This is the first, and only, bookstore in the Days City. I just love to read, so I'd want to share some books with the civilians." He explains, gesturing to the minimal amount of steel shelves.

"Do you get customers often?" I inquire, stepping up to a shelf and inspecting some of the books.

Dynamic nods, negative. "There are only a few, but they come in regularly."

I nod, sliding a red-cover book back into its place. "I will be sure to visit, I love a good book once in a while!" I smile.

Dynamic smiles, holding out a hand to shake mine. "Good to know we have another reader in the city!"

I shake his hand, then exit the store with Unpredictable.

"Well, m'lady, are we off to the bakery?" He says, so suddenly suave.

This catches me off guard. "Oh! Sure!"

He fixates his yellow suit and walks with me to the bakery, where a fresh aroma emits.

"Unpredictable? Oh! (Y/N)! Welcome, welcome!" Benevolent smiles widely. "I was waiting for you to come! I made you a cake!"
"Oh my! Thank you so much!" I gape, watching Benevolent slide a boxed cake from the fridge and into my arms. The cake is decorated with (f/c) flowers and is my favorite flavor. "The cake is beautiful." I think aloud.

"It's not as beautiful as you, my dearest!" He chuckles. I see Unpredictable's eye twitch out of the corner of my eye.

Unpredictable fumes with...anger from beside me. I notice had tensed up greatly.

"Oh he goes again." Benevolent rolls his eyes. "Go let your sudden outrage out. Away from my pastries.

Unpredictable rolls his eyes. "I'm not...whatever. I'll be right back. I don't feel too well." He storms off.

I watch him go off, worry in my eyes.

"Oh, he's alright. He's always like this," Benevolent assures, pausing to watch him for a moment. "That guy is so distant from us because of his unpredictable emotions. He goes from calm to complete outrage sometimes!"

"Why?" I ask, curious.

"That's just how he is. I guess he can't really help it." The pink suited Operative shrugs. "Oh look, here he comes!"

Unpredictable's features had morphed into a much calmer-looking one. "Are you ready, (Y/N)?" He asks.

"Yes." I affirm, waving a goodbye to Benevolent. "Thank you for the amazing cake!"

He shows a thumbs-up to me, winking.

I blush light pink and continue following Unpredictable with the cake in arms.

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