Never Fear, Radiant_Day is Here!

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It was the first time (Y/N) had seen daylight. It was beautiful. She had cupped her (s/c)-color hands and let the sunlight poor into it like a waterfall. Tears of joy slipped down her face as she laughed and danced outside the surface entrance.

Free! Finally free!


Never Fear, Radiant_Day is Here!: Chapter Two

[OPERATIVE] Radiant smiles at me when he emerges from the surface entrance. He chuckles, grabbing my wrists lightly. "I can see you're happy," He twirls me around, and I blush. "But you need to let me know when we're dancing! I love dancing!" We laugh as he twirls me about.

He released me after a couple minutes of unled dancing. "I can't have you humiliate yourself by walking around the city clothed in rags like that!" He places a hand to his chin, grinning. "Although your pretty face makes up for it all~!"

I blush. "Oh stop it!" My face heats up more. "Let's just go!"

He nods, placing his arm on his hip, gesturing to me. I nod, still ecstatic from my release. I link my arm with his, and we stroll to his residence.

The Operative Residences are easily told apart. There is a neon stripe just under the roof that corresponds with their main clothing color. I had taken note of that a while ago; funny how I still remember it!

"Welcome to my humble abode, my dear (Y/N)!" I take a step in, noting the fancy fragrance that was stronger in his residence than it was on him.

"When I heard you were being released today and needed a place to sleep for tonight, I was glad to let you stay tonight!" He smiles. "I hope you have a radiant stay!"

"Thank you so much, [OPERATIVE] Radiant. I feel so welcomed." I bow slightly, showing as much respect to the man. I am invading his home after all.

Radiant winces. "Oh, please just call me Radiant! Enough of that silly Operative stuff!" He slides off his coat, placing it on a nearby chair. "As much as I like to be respected, it's nice to be treated as a friend sometimes." He admits.

"I can understand that, Radiant." I smile warmly. He is treating me so well! I could have never expected this!

He clasps his hand together. "Now! Let's get you fixed up!"

He led you to a wooden chair. "I have prepared for today! I heard about your release very soon so I went out to prepare! I bought you a whole wardrobe of clothes!" 

My eyes light up. "Wow! Thank you so much!" Another tear slips down my face. He gasps and wipes it away. "I'm sorry. I really didn't expect this, especially from you."

He smiles warmly. "You have become a very important civilian now. I hope you know that, my dear."

Radiant stands behind me, now carrying a kit of some sort. When he opens it, it is filled with scissors and combs for hair.

"So, how would you like your hair done?" He positions himself, beginning to comb my messed-up hair. "The medication we put you on seems to have made your hair growth excel."

"Hm, just make it (desired haircut)." I suggest.

"Quite a radiant choice!" He beams, fiddling with a rather large knot in my (color) hair. "You know, upon curing you, we can soon make larger cures for the rest of the infected."

"Really? I thought my case was quite different from the others."

He shakes his head, negative. "It is, but yours is just a minor case of what they have. I would call you...luckiest out of the unlucky!" He chuckles, grabbing a can of spray conditioner. "Not many people make it out alive, you know?"

I gape at this. "I guess I am quite lucky." Folding my arms neatly in my lap, I sigh.

"That's why we operatives need to treat you well. You have helped us greatly, (Y/N)," His smile drops into a serious look. "Besides, I'd love to get to know you more."

My breath hitches. He didn't actually just- "Of course, Radiant! I'd love to hang out more!" I stutter out.

"Good! In fact, you should come to my show, it's tomorrow night!" He suggests, snipping off your hair to a comfortable length.

"I'll be sure to attend it," I affirm, beginning to wonder what it is like. "There has been so many changes to the city."

He nods. "I decided to start loosening up more. I've got a whole bunch of privileges so why not use them?" He laughs, finishing off my hair.

"There you go! Now," He hands me a big back full of clothes. "Go into that room and try some of these on!"

"Okay! Thanks Radiant!" I smile happily. I don't deserve all of this kindness!

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