Chapter 26

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I made a point to fill up my days as much as possible. Even though the rent on the apartment was paid up through the rest of the lease, thanks to Metallica's first real influx of money, I found employment doing studio backing vocals and some jingle work. I wrote and even started performing again with some musician contacts from my club days. I hung out with friends, especially Kelly and Corinne, who could always be counted on to pull me out of a mood when missing Jamie became more than I could bare. In fact, Corinne and I had a standing weekly dinner at my place, where she and I could commiserate in private. How many girls did we know had rock star boyfriends who were out touring the world? She understood the worries and the loneliness.

James would call every few days and we'd catch each other up as well as we could. In the beginning, we'd stay on the line as long as possible, just happy to feel connected. After the first few weeks, his phone calls seemed to come less often and never seemed to last as long. He seemed distracted when we talked, like I was keeping him from other things. I tried to not let on how that hurt me, trying to keep in mind the pressures of a big tour and all the responsibilities that entailed. I was surprised then, when he told me that he wanted me to come join him on tour for a few days while they were passing through the New York area. He figured it made sense since then I could see some of our East Coast friends who were planning on attending the shows. I was super excited and I could hear the smile in Jamie's voice when he gave me the news, laughing over the phone at my exuberance. Two days later, I was packed and on a flight, wondering what kind of reception I would get from him when I got there.


The airport in Albany was fairly small as far as airports go, and I assumed it wouldn't be too difficult to find James. He wasn't at the gate when I landed, and after waiting ten minutes, I figured he probably meant for me to meet him at baggage claim, though I hadn't packed enough for a larger suitcase and the small one I brought had easily fit in the overhead. With a smile back on my face, I followed the signs until I got to the luggage carousels. Most everyone from my flight seemed to have grabbed their stuff and headed out and only a few stragglers remained, none of them were Jamie. My last option was curbside pick-up. Making sure my jacket was zipped against the early spring chill, I walked outside, keeping an eye out for my tall wild-haired boy. Almost immediately a horn honked to my left, and breathing a sigh of relief, I turned expecting James. Instead, a familiar car pulled up driven by an even more familiar face, who was also not James. Still, I was glad to see a smiling Metal Joe as he parked and came around the car to give me a heartfelt hug, lifting my feet off the ground in the process. 

Setting me back down, his smile gave way to a frown. "I know you was expectin' James, I hope you're not too disappointed that it's just me."

I was disappointed, but not at seeing Joe. "I couldn't ask for a better welcoming committee than you Joe."

He cocked his head at me and gave a wan smile. "That's nice of you to say Leila, but I know you and James well enough to know how things are. He should be here and I know he wanted to be, but they're travelin' from Boston today and he asked me to come get you on my way up." His lips twisted then into a grimace. "I could tell he was real pissed about not comin' himself."

"Well then, James and I are lucky to have you to count on." My words were heartfelt as I smiled up at him. "Thank you again for bein' such an amazing friend."

He blushed bright red before he covered his embarrassment by grabbing my stuff and putting it in the car before opening the passenger door and ushering me inside.

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