Chapter 8

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The next week was a rush of activity as I got settled back at home with my family, reconnected with friends, spent time with Jamie, and somewhere in there, managed to find a part-time summer job picking up shifts as a lifeguard at my parent's club; which was perfect as it left my nights free. I'd also found out about a few open mic nights, and was working up the courage to go to some and try out my original material.

A week after Kelly and I had gone to see Ron and James play at the Concert Factory in Costa Mesa, we were back to see their follow-up show. The band debuted their new song Seek and Destroy, and the crowd went wild for it, quickly picking up on the chorus and shouting the lyrics back at the band. James and the rest of the guys were grinning like crazy as the song became a call and response that they hadn't anticipated but totally worked.

The next day was the Fourth of July and fortunately I was not scheduled to work, so I was able to join a big group that was heading out to the beach for a bonfire and fireworks. I'd invited Kelly and we made arrangements to pick up Jamie and Ron on the way. Daringly, I decided to wear a skimpy white bikini that showed off my new tan and figure. I was tugging on the tie around my neck as we pulled up to get the guys.

"Leave it alone Leila. You look amazing," Kelly scolded from the driver's seat as she laid on the horn.

I had left off wearing a t-shirt while on the way to the beach, opting to just go with the bikini top and shorts. Now I was regretting my decision to not to cover up more.

"Are you sure I don't look too slutty?" I looked down at my generous cleavage and felt a wave of anxiety.

"You look gorgeous. Besides, we live in Southern California, I know girls who spend the entire day in bikinis; people aren't gonna judge you."

"It's not the 'people' I'm worried about," I mumbled, sinking further into my seat.

She shot me a sideways look. "Hon, please. You've tried the subtle approach with that boy, it's time to bring out a sledgehammer. And you in that bikini is exactly that."

"Grrreat." I slunk down even further.

"Come on, stop yer bitchin'. Work what god gave you, and that boy won't know what hit him."

I had to laugh at that, her good humor was too infectious to ignore. Besides, it was a beautiful day and I was out with my best friends...I wasn't going to waste it with a bad attitude.

"Yer right. I need to get over myself."

Just then, the front door opened and the boys came out, hauling a cooler and various bags of stuff. Taking a deep breath, I got out and leaned back against the car, trying my best to look casual but sexy. At least I hoped that's what I was pulling off. I was watching for Jamie's reaction, but he was too far away to read his face.

"Hey guys!" Kelly called out.

"Ladies," Ron replied, smiling cheerfully. "Lookin' good."

I could hear Kelly giggle and watched as he came around to give her a hug and kiss. Jamie raised an eyebrow at their PDA as he wandered over to me.

"Hey Shorty. Ready for the beach?"

"Don't I look ready?" I asked suggestively as I motioned to my scantily clad body.

He got a deer in the headlights look and instantly I took pity on him, knowing I'd set him up with a pretty loaded question.

"I'm totally ready for a day at the beach." I smiled, noting how his face relaxed. "It'll be great to see everyone."

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