10 ✧ caregiver

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"This isn't a goodbye Naruto. It's the start of a new beginning."

They were almost at the orphanage and (y/n) didn't think her heart could take it any longer. Really it felt as if she was about to abandon her child, which in hindsight she technically was but not really. She really wanted to just say she changed her mind and take Naruto back to their home but she had to do this properly. And by properly she meant actually adopting him.

"Your hand is crushing mine." Naruto squeaked, causing (y/n) to loosen her grip on the boy's hand. Giving him an apologetic smile in return. She had to get her emotions in check otherwise, she actually feared she would end up having a rather large meltdown in the orphanage and that would make her seem like the young adult she was rather than a young adult who is currently looking to adopt a child.

"Sorry Naruto, I was just th-"

"We're here." (Y/n) was abruptly cut off at the little boy's quiet declaration. The two of them freezing in their spots as they looked over at the orphanage that was seeming to loom over them.

(Y/n) visibly grimaced, not because the place was rubbed down because it actually wasn't, but because she now knew that she would have to return Naruto. Sighing out loud, the (h/c) haired women looked down at the small blond child.

"You ready Naruto?"

That was a stupid thing to ask a child of barely age four, who was being dumped here as if he were a stray dog that was being taken to the pound. (Y/n) made a mental note to keep her mouth shut in bad timings such as this one.

Yet, instead of the boy crying or throwing a fit. Naruto just tilted his head up at her, blue eyes glazed over with water but with a fierce determination in them. And not to mention that brilliant toothy grin on his young boyish face.

"I'm ready." Naruto spoke, making (y/n) nod her head. The two of them now continuing to walk closer to the place. (Y/n) had to give it to the boy, she was proud that he didn't do anything wrong because he knew he would have to be brought back here until she could get him again. He had faith that she would end up bringing him back home. She just had to have faith in herself.

With her free hand, (y/n) pushed open the door. Ushering in the small blond before walking in herself. Taking in the multitude of pictures of children. These must have been past children that had been adopted into loving families. She wondered if Naruto would be up there once she was finally able to adopt him.

"Hello, how can I help you?" (Y/n) jumped at the unexpected greeting, her body unconsciously tensing itself for an act that was never going to happen.

(Y/n) gave the older female a small smile. "Actually I'm here to bring back Naruto. I found him during the storm and kept him at my house for the duration. I hope that wasn't a problem." She spoke, watching the older lady's pleasant smile turn into a grimace at the boy's name. Before quickly returning back to her fake smile.

"Ahh, no need to worry. It was very nice of you to take him into your home. I hope he didn't cause any trouble. He's known for giving us quite a large amount of trouble." The lady spoke, the bitterness noticeable to (y/n), whose lips pressed together in a thin line.

(Y/n) wasn't a fool she knew that the boy would probably face some biased hate but she didn't think that the people raising him would actually despise the young boy. More so because they were the ones actually raising him since he was a baby.

"Come along Naruto, you now can play with the other kids here." The lady ushered out, coming up to the pair and grabbing the boy's unoccupied hand. Naruto pouting at the contact, as he held on tightly to (y/n)'s hand still.

(Y/n) for a moment wondered if the lady would actually let him play with the other kids or if this was just for her to hear. Maybe she would punish the boy for leaving the orphanage? The thought unsettling to her.

"Before Naruto leaves, is it fine if I say goodbye?" (Y/n) politely asked through gritted teeth, giving the lady a fake smile. The older lady just slowly nodded her head before walking further away to give them their respective privacy. Silently thanking that she wouldn't be looming over them while they said their goodbyes.

(E/c) eyes taking a quick glance to the lady, making sure she wasn't paying any attention. (Y/n) put her full undivided attention on the little boy in front of her. Leaning down to his height she placed a hand on his chubby whiskered cheek, smiling at how the boy leaned in closer to the touch.

"I promise I'll be back for you Naruto. I don't know when but I'll be back and then we can go home together." (Y/n) whispered, feeling her throat constrict.

(Y/n)'s other hand coming up to the boy's face to wipe away the tears that were bubbling in his blue eyes. "Don't cry sweetheart." She cooed, feeling her heart fill with unbearable pain. The last thing she needed to do was cry.

"You promise you'll be back for me?" Naruto hiccuped, finally coming closer towards her and wrapping his small arms around her neck. Instantly burying his face between her neck and her shoulder. Sighing softly when (y/n) in turn wrapped her arms around him.

"Of course Naruto. I promise but I got to go now." Was the last thing he heard, before he hesitantly let go. Blushing softly at the soft kiss that was placed on his forehead. A reminder that she would be back and she wouldn't forget him. And Naruto didn't doubt that (y/n) would soon be able to adopt him. He just hoped it was soon.

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