Chapter 11: Let's Get Married Again

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Last one. Rated X. NSFW.

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The taxi took forever. Traffic moved like cold molasses, to the point where Jennie considered getting out and running to the Plaza. Then she remembered that it had been a long time since she had been to the gym and that her recent diet of Ouzo and coffee hadn't made her any healthier. By the time they reached the hotel, Jennie was almost shuddering with trepidation.

Then there was a line at the front desk. Only two people, but still! Didn't these people know she was a woman in a serious, if delayed hurry?

Then the very pleasant, very nice, very professional young woman at the front desk-Bernice, from White Plains, her name tag suggested-told her that there was no Jisoo Kim registered and it took a lot of clacking of impeccable long nails against computer keys before she finally located a guest registered under Mrs Jisoo Kim.

It gave Jennie a surge of possessive pride that Jis had checked in under her married name. It made her smile when she was told that Mrs Kim-Mrs Jisoo Kim, the woman at the front desk repeated, because having two Mrs Kimes was apparently confusing for Bernice, although it was a thing of complete joy for Jennie-had left instructions for her wife to be sent immediately to their suite on her arrival. Jennie then thought she might commit murder as first the keycard machine malfunctioned, and then Bernice decided to run through all the facilities that the Plaza had to offer, from the butler service to the spa to the gift shop.

When she finally reached the seventeenth floor, she leaned against the wall, staring at the door to the suite. She debated for a full three minutes whether to use her key or knock the door. The Plaza wasn't exactly the sort of hotel where people loitered in the hallways. Even as a registered guest, Jennie felt like she was breaking some kind of ordinance just by hanging around there.

Squaring her shoulders and letting out a deep breath, she stepped forward and knocked on the heavy door. Nervously, she twisted her wedding ring around her finger.

The door was pulled open by someone Jennie had not been expecting at all: a handsome Latino man in a black suit, who gave her a smile that was all deference, no teeth or sparkle.

"Good afternoon, madame," he greeted her, and opened the door fully to allow her entrance. As Jennie stepped inside, the man-the butler that Bernice had mentioned, she assumed-moved past her to swap their positions. With a nod of his head, he closed the door behind him, leaving Jennie alone in the living room of the suite.

She didn't know where to sit, so she stood in the centre of the room, wiping her hands nervously on her jeans, idly looking around. The suite was similar to the one she had booked for their wedding day, only facing the internal courtyard, rather than out to Central Park or 58th Street. There was no fruit and champagne basket there, but a fresh tray of coffee and two cups had been set out, she noted, with some of those tiny little slivers of biscotti that you only ever get in hotels and high-end restaurants. They probably had a name, but she had no idea what that might be. The front desk must have alerted Jisoo to her arrival, hence the butler.

The hairs on the back of her neck seemed to stand on end as she became aware that she was being watched. Turning around, she couldn't prevent a gasp from escaping at the sight of her wife leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom.

If it were possible, Jisoo was even more beautiful than the last time Jennie had seen her. She was barefoot and wearing a short white skirt and a turquoise cami top. Her hair was held in a loose bun with what looked like a Number 2 pencil. She had no make-up on, but she glowed with life and beauty and everything that was Jisoo.

Why had she ever let Jisoo leave? There should definitely be a special hell for people as stupid as her. She let her eyes sweep over her wife, trailing up the tanned legs and over her shapely body. She was Jennie's every fantasy made real. Just seeing her caused all of Jennie's senses to thrum with excitement and possibility. When she finally met Jisoo's eyes, she found only amusement and not the anger she had expected.

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