Chapter 7: The Whole Truth

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They were standing in the lobby of the INS field offices, waiting for their formal interviews which had been scheduled fifteen minutes apart, no doubt to prevent them from colluding on their answers. Jisoo was running her hands around Jennie's collar, making the fold sharp and smoothing the points out.

"Think we're ready?" Jisoo asked.

Jennie's head was swimming a little from the feel of those fingers against her neck, but she managed to nod at least.

"You okay?"

She sighed. "No." She tugged at the unfamiliar confines of the business suit she was wearing. "I feel like I'm going to a funeral."

Jisoo chuckled. "You look gorgeous."

Jennie blushed. She'd been advised by her lawyer to dress conservatively. This had necessitated a trip with Jisoo in tow to buy an appropriate outfit, as her wife had vetoed almost all of her skirts as being 'a bit slutty'. She had, however, added that she 'meant it with love'. That had helped, but only a little.

"Where the hell's Bill anyway?" she grumbled. William Dos Santos had been her father's lawyer and oversaw most of her business dealings, including her grandfather's estate.

"We're early. He'll be here. Stop fussing."

"Yeah. What've I got to worry about? It's not like I'm being interviewed by a shadowy government agency with far-reaching powers I can only guess at."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "They're not the CIA. I don't think you need to worry." She brushed a speck of lint from Jennie's collar. "Just tell the truth and you'll be fine."

"The whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

Jisoo leaned in and whispered, "Our version of the truth. Same thing."

The feeling of Jisoo's breath against her ear made her a little lightheaded. Not enough to override her fear, though.

"What if I say something stupid?"

"You? I can't believe you'd do that," Jisoo deadpanned.

She snorted, "That's no way to speak to your wife."

"It's because you're my wife that I can get away with it."

She knew that Jisoo was joking, but it was the truth all the same. It had reached the point where she would let Jisoo away with pretty much anything.

She shifted her weight between her feet, bouncing nervously. "I just want this to be over."

"I know. But you're going to be fabulous."

"Whatever." She grinned anyway. Jisoo had a way of making her feel secure.

Jisoo checked her watch and glanced towards the building's front entrance. "Seeing as we've got time, I'm going to use the restroom. Do you think you'll cope on your own or do you want to come with me?"


"Remember to include that in your list of reasons for marrying me - good sense of humour."

Jennie rocked on the balls of her feet and watched Jisoo cross the lobby.

She was an incredibly lucky woman in many respects. Her wife was smart, funny and beautiful. And with heels on, her legs looked even better than usual, she noted appraisingly.

And they were dating.

Well, that was how Jennie thought of it. She was not brave enough to ask Jisoo's opinion.

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