Yep, I'm....Gay {15}

Start from the beginning

"Good." She said smiling a little and walking off. Tell my parents. Tell my parents I have a relationship with a guy. Tell them that I'm gay. I don't know how they'll react. But I guess it has best if I told them first before they found out any other way. Tonight. I'll tell them tonight. At dinner. What could possibly go wrong?


At lunch, we were sitting at our normal table. Cale was sitting right beside me today.

"Hey guys I got to go to my locker. I forgot something." I got up and left the table and walked out the cafeteria. As I was walking through the empty hall, Kyal, Vince, and Marcus decided to show up.

"We meet again faggot." Kyal laughed. Shit. Now? Really?

"What do you guys want?" I asked annoyed.

"Nothing. Just a little fun." Vince snickered. Kyal pulled back his fist and nailed me in the face next to my eye. I hissed at the pain. I swung my arm at Kyal hitting his nose right before Vince and Marcus grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall. I struggled to break free but they held me right not letting go. Kyal kicked me in my side and I winced in pain. He grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head against the wall. I felt myself getting dizzy.

"You're not supposed to be fighting back you little shit." Kyal spat, "you're just a little faggot."

"You can go die in a fucking hole." I said back. He slammed my head against the wall again. My eyes began to swell with tears as the halls seemed to be spinning around me.

"Let him go!" I heard a voice shout. I looked up in the direction of Kyal's gaze and saw Cale fist clenched at his sides.

"Cale. I told you not to interfere." I told him.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm saving your ass. You should be grateful." He said walking up to Kyal.

"I thought I told you that if you didn't want him hurt really bad, you'd stay out of this."

"I don't give a shit. I don't want him hurt at all. That's all that matters." Cale said before punching Kyal in his jaw. He stumbled back almost tripping over his own feet. Angers he kicked Cale in his stomach.

"Cale! Stop! Don't do this!" I begged him. He gave me a look, saying he wasn't gonna do as I said.

"Damn you. Let the faggot go." Kyal said turning to Vince and Marcus. They let go of my arms and walked over to him.

"You've made a really big mistake, you bitch." He spat. Cale rolled his eyes and rushed over to me. Kyal, Vince, and Marcus walked off turning a corner.

"I told you not to interfere." I said flatly.

"And I told you I wasn't gonna let you get hurt." He said cupping my face, "why is it so bad for me to help you?"

"It's not....I just...." I said looking away. He brought his lips to mine kissing me deeply.

"I'm sorry. But I don't want this to happen to you." He said.

"I know you don't. It's fine." I told him standing up, pulling him with me.

"Come on." He said walking back to the cafeteria. When we got in and at our table, Zoey looked up at me, a look of terror appearing on her face.

"What happened to you?" She asked rubbing her fingered across what was problably now a bruise near my eye.

"Nothing. I got hit by a locker." I shrugged.

"A locker? In the face?"


"Grant you're lying to me."

"Don't worry about it." I said looking over at Cale so she'd realize he had taken care of it. She looked at him and nodded.

"Fine." She said.


It was the end of he day and I was walking to my car with Zoey and Cale.

"So what actually happened during lunch?" Zoey questioned.

"I was getting beat up and Cale stepped in and stopped them." I answered.

"Them? There was more than one?" She asked Turing to Cale. He nodded.

"It's nothing for to get so worried about. I'm fine." I assured her. She sighed but gave in giving me a hug, "alright. Remember you have something to tell your parents tonight."

"Yea yea. I know." I got in my car and started it up.

"You're telling your parents about us tonight?" Cale asked. I nodded. He reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Are sure you're ready for this?" He asked showing concern.

"Yea more or less." I shrugged. He looked over his shoulder before turning back to me and kissing me.

"Okay." He said squeezing my hand. He let go and back away so I could pull out of the parking space.

When I got home I went inside and saw my mom making dinner.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." She said. I nodded to her and went upstairs to my room. I shut the door behind me and layed down on my bed. I still didn't know exactly what to say to them but I guess I'd just be simple.

A few minutes later mom called us to eat.

I walked downstairs, shaking a little from what was about to happen. We sat down and began eating.

I waited until everyone had eaten quite a bit before deciding to tell them.

"Hey Mom? Dad?" I began. My mom looked up and set down her fork, "yes dear?"

"You guys love me right?" I asked. Mom and Dad laughed.

"Of course we love you. Why?"

"So you guys would love me no matter what right?"

"Yes. Honey where is this going?"

"So there something I need to tell you."

They became silent a traded looks with each other.

"Go ahead. We love you no matter what, dear. Are you scared of getting our reactions?"

"Yep, I'"

"Except for that."

Dad got up and turned to me.

"You are not gay."

"But I am. I like guys, Dad."

"You are not gay!" He said getting closer to me.

"Dad, yes I am! I have a boyfriend!"

"My son does not like guys! You are not gay! I will not have a gay son!" He yelled.

"Well guess what? I am! I like guys! I've kissed a guy before! I'm dating a guy!" I yelled back. My dad pulled his hand back and slapped me in the face. I felt my face burning and tears filled my eyes.

"You're not gay! Get that disgusting idea out of your damn head! You're not a faggot!"

My throat burned as much as my face did. With out another word I ran out of the house and down the street. There was only one place I wanted to go. One place I knew I could go. One place I knew where I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. After a long ass run, I finally made it to Cale's house. I banged desparetly on the door. After what seemed like forever, the door finally opened.

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