Chapter 7: The Whole Truth

Start from the beginning

After their trip to Central Park, they had been to the Metropolitan Opera (Jisoo's suggestion), the Museum of Modern Art (also Jisoo) and Coney Island (Jennie). For their six-month anniversary on the twenty-first, Jennie had treated them to lunch at Tavern on the Green. She'd wanted to arrange a Broadway show as well, but Jisoo was still working back shift. She had been surprised and delighted when she returned home to find a note on her pillow stating 'IOU a proper night out'.

The past weekend, Jisoo had been babysitting her niece, Yeri. The three of them had gone to FAO Schwartz, where Jennie had to be talked out of buying the whole store. She had been dancing on air all day because Jisoo had introduced her to the child as her Aunt Jennie. Even better, the little girl had stayed overnight in Jisoo's room, while Jisoo slept in Jennie's bed.

It was the first time they had shared a bed since the night Jisoo had crept in to Jennie's room, but it seemed natural. There had been no awkwardness or even prevarication. As on the previous occasion, they ended up snuggling together without comment. Waking up in Jisoo's arms was one of the happiest moments of her life. There had, however, been no chance to enjoy it for long as Yeri had come barrelling into the room, demanding attention from her aunts.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Philip Sachs, Jisoo's immigration lawyer, arriving. He introduced himself, then went to the front desk to confirm that he and his client were present. Meanwhile, Jisoo returned from the restrooms.

"Phil seems nice," she said.

"He is," Jisoo replied, then smiled at her fondly. "Still nervous?"

"A little."

She turned at the sound of Phil calling to her. He had a pen in his hand and was beckoning her. "I'll be right back."

Jennie waited while Jisoo and Phil finished up with the reception staff. She felt a little thrill that Jisoo came to stand next to her, subtly leaning in towards her, rather than remaining with Phil. He excused himself to make a quick call and stepped a few feet away.

"All good?" Jennie asked.

Jisoo nodded, as she reached around to rest her hand at the base of Jennie's spine. "They're sending someone down to meet us."

"I bet you get Sorensen and I get Eaves." Even as she grumbled, she felt her tension easing as the pressure of Jisoo's hand soothed her.

"I don't think so. I think the guy said Agent Cho."

"I bet I still get Eaves."

"Stop. Worrying."

"Easy for you to say."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "I know. It's not like the threat of deportation is hanging over my head."

It was said without rancour, but Jennie still hung her head. She was so caught up in what losing Jisoo would mean to her that she had forgotten about what it would mean for Jisoo. She knew already that she would move to Korea in a heartbeat if Jisoo wanted it. At least their marriage would be recognised there.

"I'm sorry."

Jisoo shook her head and rubbed Jennie's back. "It's fine. I'm the one who needs the citizenship, not you. I was in the same boat even before we got married."

Even though Jisoo was the one risking everything, she was still intent on comforting her. Jennie thought that had to mean something.

A young man at the reception desk called Jisoo's name. On the other side of the security gate, an Asian woman in a severe black suit was standing with a case file in her hands.

"I guess that's my cue." She stepped away from Jennie's side and glanced over to her lawyer, who was finishing up his call.

"Yeah." Jennie knew she should say something more. "Jis, I-" She stopped. The lobby of the INS building wasn't exactly the best place to tell her wife that she loved her.

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