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Summer POV

"Are you excited to know what your having?" Raven said sitting next to me at my appointment.

It's been four months since me and Rashad had talked and I can't lie I've been so happy without him.

"Yes I can't wait". I smiled.

"Hey Ms Jones. Are you ready?" The nurse said walking in the room.

I nodded. "It's a boy!" She yelled.

Raven was excited. She wanted me to have a boy so damn bad but I wanted a girl. I was still happy because he was mines. I loved him so much and he wasn't even here yet!

"You ready?" She asked releasing me from that tight ass hug.

"Yeah let's get outta' here"

The nurse gave me gummy pills and we left the hospital. I got in my car and we pulled up to Ravens house. I was suppose to crash there just for a few days but it turned into a few months. She didn't mind. She told me she was always bored and she was happy that I kept her company.

"Wassup prettyface" Mike said leaning up to kiss me.

"Hey what you been doing?" I smiled sitting down on the couch.

Mike is Raven's little brother. He's twenty and she's twenty one. I met him a couple days after being at Raven house. He was, well he wasn't Rashad. I'll put it that way.

"Shit chillin waiting on you" He told me rubbing my belly.

"I missed you" I said sitting on top of him.

"Ew ima just go upstairs" Raven said laughing walking towards the stairs. up

"I miss you too" he said grabbing my feet.

"I'm hungry bae" I laughed. I was always hungry and he knew that.

"'Me too, you wanna go grab something to eat?" He asked.

"Of course I do" I said laughing.

We got into his black Lincoln and pulled up to Eat & Park. That was my favorite place and he knew that too.

"You ready?" He said before getting out the car.

I nodded and exited the car.

"I'll have whatever she's having" he said looking over at me.

I picked up the menu. "Okay get ready" I said joking to the waitress.

She laughed. "Okay can I have the chicken, macaroni, and greens dinner? Oh yeah and I want a brownie with a strawberry milk shake. Actually make that two". I said smiling.

She wrote everything down and walked away.

"Damn fat ass" he said laughing.

"So I gots to eat!".

"So I've been meaning to talk to you prettyface. I really like you and I hope you like me back. I ain't no rich nigga but I got you and I got him" he said referring to my baby.

He found out I was pregnant by my ex a few days after we started fucking around. He didn't care he said he play the step dad role really good.

"I like you too. I just been going through a lot these past months and you seem to take my mind off it all".

"I'm glad I can do that prettyface".

I smiled. He made that nickname up for me the second day I was over there. I liked that name because It fit me so well, I definitely was pretty.

"Come here" He said grabbing my face.

He tongued me down in front of everybody. He made me wanna fuck him right then and there! Whew

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