The Consequence of Loving Colton

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Title ~ The Consequence of Loving Colton

Author ~ RachelVanDyken



My name is Milo Caro and I have a confession to make.
I've been in love with Colton Mathews since I was five. He should have known that sharing a cookie with a sugar obsessed little monster would do the trick--it sealed his fate. So really, the fact that he's sporting a black eye, a limp, almost got ran over by a car, and was nearly responsible for another person's death? Right. HIs fault. Not mine.

I made a pact with myself--this weekend would be different. I'd come home for my brothers wedding, smile, and Colton would naturally melt into my arms, we'd get married have five kids, live in a house by the river, and get a dog named scratch (clearly I've thought this through).

What really happened? I punched my brother in the face, Colton kissed me and apologized, I lied about having a boyfriend, oh and everyone wants to meet the mystery man.

They say laughter always comes before insanity--ha, ha. All I wanted was my brother's best friend...instead I'm sitting in prison.

Let this be a lesson to you rarely happens the way you want it to.
Damn cookie


This book is so good that i swear that if it was a movie it would win awards. This book is so hilarious at times that I just had to put my phone down and have a good laugh. You will regret not reading this, so add it into your library. I dare you! ;)

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