I sighed in relief. "Yes, thank you" I softly said ignoring her question.

We talked a bit more. She told me I had to stop being so rough. Whatever that meant. She gave me a few pills and told me to stay for a hour so they can monitor the baby for a little more longer. I laid down in my bed and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Rashad POV

"Baby wake up".

She opened her eyes, she looked peaceful until she saw me.

"What are you doing here Rashad?".

"What you mean? That's my baby too" I said getting annoyed.

"This is my baby. You almost killed it".

"Man what is wrong with you?".

"Naw my nigga what's wrong with you? Rashad I'm getting my own place. I don't wanna' deal with you no longer. I'm pregnant I don't need to be stressing over no nigga period".

"No nigga? You mean your nigga. Stop playing with me in this hospital Summer".

"My nigga? How are you my nigga and everybody got a piece of you?".

"Man it ain't even like that. You ready to go home? I'm tired".

"I don't care what you are! I'm done with you. Now leave before I call the nurse".

I laughed. "You think I care about a nurse? A doctor? Or the police?".

"Rashad please leave".

I sat down in the chair that was sitting next to the bed.

"Tell me when you ready".

She laid her head back and sighed. There was no leaving me. I know I do my dirt but we already in it. Ain't no getting out.

I sat at the hospital for another hour or two. I was exhausted. I got a message request on Instagram. When I clicked it, it was the same girl from earlier that liked all my pictures. It read.

Itsssjanel_ : Hey 🥰🥰.

Rashad : Wassup?

Itsssjanel_ : You single?

Rashad : Yeah, you?

Itsssjanel_ : Yeah, who's the girl on your page?

Rashad : Why? I said I'm single. Wassup tho?

Itsssjanel_ : Link up tomorrow.

Rashad : Fasho.

I looked up and noticed Summer sitting up in the bed.

"So you cheat, almost kill our baby then sit right in front of me and text a girl?".

"What girl?".

"This girl!" She said showing me the messages from the girl on instagram.

This crazy ass girl made a fake page just to text me.

"Man you doing shit on purpose!".

"On purpose? Bitch ass nigga you sitting in my face texting a bitch! Yo thirsty ass didn't even go and look at her pictures to see it was a fake page! You disrespectful as fuck man I'm done".

She got up and grabbed her keys then walked out the room. I followed.

"Excuse me, can you make sure this stalker don't follow me to the car?" She said talking to a officer that was standing at the entrance.

He nodded then looked over at me.

Mmcht. "This my baby moms. She on trash".

"Well if the lady don't want you following her then sir ima have to do my part".

"And what's that?" I questioned with my hands crossed.

I was getting angrier by the minute.

He ignored me and followed Summer outside to her car. She got in and sped off. I walked to my car and jumped in then sped off. I had no idea which way she just went. This girl driving to fast with my baby. I called her phone and it went to voicemail.

"This bitch think ima game".

Summer POV

"Hey Raven I know I haven't spoke to you since the club that night but can I crash at your place for a few days?".

"Of course you can. My address is 1345 Arcade Ave".

With that we hung up. I put the address in the GPS then drove to her house.

When I got there I told her to come to the door. Instead some nigga opened the door. He was cute, he stood tall, he had a grill, I knew he did because he couldn't stop smiling.

"Damn ma, you looking for my sister?".

I smiled. "Yes".

"Come on in. Her room upstairs to the left".

I walked in and he closed the door behind me. I walked up stairs following the directions and there she was laying down in her bed.

"Hey Summer! How you been?" She asked.

I sat down and kicked my shoes off.

"Good, What about you?". I asked.

"Okay, what's been up?".

"Girl im pregnant" I said smiling.

"What? Foreal you can't even notice".

I pulled my shirt up. "I know right I'm only like two months" I said laughing.

We caught up on life basically the whole night until we both fell asleep.

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