63 | He Loves Me

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His eyes followed down to my lips before licking his own; he looks back up to me again and in all seriousness, spoke, "I really want to kiss you."

And almost as my lips spoke for me, "then what's stopping you?"

And that's all he needed.

He leans forward and for a split moment, he hesitate. His lips fanning against mine before they crash, and when they did; my heart skipped in beats. His hand falls down to my jaw, pulling me closer as his lips said what his words couldn't. I found myself drawing myself in closer, sinking in deeper, just to get more. His lips were soft, but intoxicating.

In the mist of everything, I found myself had dissolved of all logic and found myself had somehow managed to climb into his lap. His hand railed down, wrapping itself around my waist as he bit on my lower lip. In a teasing effect, but sent shivers down my spine and I smile against his.

It was merely moments, but it felt like an eternal. Our kisses burning in desire as we just melted under each other's touch. I had to pull apart, panting hard as I suck in the air I lost — but don't regret.

Our eyes found each other as we panted, nothing said against the silence air. My mind in overdrive as it was going haywire; processing everything that's happening. Julian's eyes never left mine, and against everything, he offers a smile.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he murmurs quietly, and I knew I couldn't contain everything I felt. I blush hard, and my skin retracting around my body burned in heat from just his touch—from just his words.

A grin escape my lips, and I found myself saying, "I know."

He pause, and before I knew it, he let out a laugh, shaking his head as he breaks eye-contact with me.

"God, even in serious situation, you remain high in self-confident," he declares, shaking his head with a smile lingered on his lips.

"You love it,"

"That I do."

I pause. Did he indirectly say that he loves me?

I didn't get my answer immediately, but instead decided to stray the topic away to another. "What do we do now?" I ask, picking myself off of his lap as I place a hand against my lips; swollen.

"I think I deserve a day with you," he said, picking himself off of the white sand as he brushes off his pants. "Alone."

I laugh, nodding my head. "Alright, what do you want to do?"

His eyes gleaming in sudden mischief and I suddenly pull back, my hands out as I steady myself, "w-wait, hold up, what are we—" I let out a yelp once Julian swiftly pull me by my waist and threw my over his shoulders.

"I'm thinking," Julian begins as he walks further away from the hotel towards the ocean. "Maybe a swim?"

"Julian you don't have to wait for me," I explain, as I picked up an outfit for tonight's bonfire. He was currently inside of my hotel room, looking around at the room that is probably the duplicate of his—with the exception of our suitcases. "I'm just going to take a shower and change."

"I can wait," Julian took a seat on Iris and mine's bed, as he stares at me with a goofy smile spread across his lips. I laugh, shaking my head.

"You could just go change." I announce, "meet me up in a few."

"And leave you alone for a minute when I just got you?" He shakes his head, "never gonna happen."

I laugh, smiling, "alright, do you want—but don't blame me if you show up at the bonfire still drenched in salt water." I pick up my outfit from my suitcase and headed into the shower.

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