Chapter 10

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"And with a mi-mighty sword, the dr-dra-dragon fell to his doom and..." Gaston said before stopping. Belle looked at him. A month had pasted since there date and they have been going on dates every other day.  

"Gaston?" Belle asked. He looked at Belle. 

"Sorry Belle, just thinking." He said. Belle smiled. 

"What did Le Fou say, a dangers past time." Belle said and laughed a bit but Gaston wasn't laughing. Belle stopped. 

"Gaston?" Belle asked. He sighed. 

"It's just, I miss going out hunting with him." Gaston said. Belle smiled. 

"Well, after that first date, you have only been spending time with me. You can go out with them you know." Belle said. Gaston looked at her. 

"Really?" He asked. Belle nodded and Gaston stood, giving Belle a kiss on her cheek and ran off. Bell laughed and put the book away before starting a new one. 

~With Gaston~

Gaston saw Le Fou as soon as he entered his tavern. 

"Le Fou!" He called out and walked over. 

"Oh Gaston. I haven't seen you in a while." He said shockingly. Gaston smiled. 

"I know, I know but i have been going out with Belle." He said. Le Fou, along with the other men started to cheer for him and soon, He and Le Fou went out hunting to celebrate, getting a few ducks and even a deer. 

"So is Belle going to clean and cook all of this?" Le Fou asked as he and Gaston put them on his horse.

"No, She and I both do it." Gaston said. Le Fou started to laugh. 

"Good one Gaston." He said still laughing. Gaston looked at him in confusion. 

"How is that funny?" He asked. Le Fou looked at him.

"Well, she's a women." He said. Gaston just shook his head and smiled. 

"So? I still help her with things like that and I now can read." Gaston said. 

"Wait, what?" Le Fou asked. 

"Yeah, I know. I never would have thought reading would be so fun." He said. Le Fou looked confused as they both walked back to town. 

"But its just an act till you marry her, right? Then you won't be reading and she will do all the work?" Le Fou asked. Gaston shook him head. 

"I don't think so. I'm happy and She and I both like it. Besides, its not like shes changing me. I'm still Gaston." Gaston said. Le Fou smiled. 

"That's true, but still." Le Fou said. Gaston sighed and looked at him as he walked up to Belle house. 

"Le Fou, she is mine. I almost gave her up but she helped me. Helped me be better at who I am. I can never thank her enough for that. Do not opprobrium myself or her." Gaston said. Le Fou looked confused. 

"Whats opprobrisusm?" Le Fou asked. 

"Opprobrium and it means harsh criticism or censure." Gaston said. 

"Why not just say that then?" Le Fou asked. 

"It's easyer to say opprobrium." Gaston said, waving as he entered Belles house.

"Belles taking Gaston from us." Le Fou said and ran off to the Tavern.  

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