Chapter 8

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"What do you mean you want to teach me how to read?" Gaston said quietly. Belle became worried. Maurice took this as his time to leave so he made a plate of the finished food and let to work on his inventions.  

"Well, I was thinking of teaching so you can read yourself." Belle said. Gaston ran his hand over his hair. 

"Belle, I have no intention of ever learning to read like you. You will just have to keep reading to me." He said. Now Belle was getting mad. 

"Gaston I can't always read to you, one day it won't even be possible." Belle said loudly. 

"Oh yeah! And how do you know!" Gaston yelled at her. Belle's face scrunched in anger.

"Because one day you will be married to someone, as will I!" She yelled. Gaston opened him mouth but closed it. She was right. 

"Oh." He whispered. Belle's arms were crossed. Gaston sighed. 

"Your right." He said. Belle looked at him, seeing the sadness on his face. He placed the book down and headed to the door. Belle reached out to stop him. 

"Gaston." Belle said grabbing his arm. Gaston looked at her. 

"Belle, let me go." He said. Belle shook her head.

"No. Gaston I'm sorry but I am telling you the truth." Belle said. Gaston looked at her, turning to face her. 

"Yeah, I know Belle." He said. Belle let him go. 

"Come on. Lets eat and talk this out." Belle said. Gaston shook his head. 

"Sorry Belle. I'm ending this...this...well I don't know what this is, but what ever this is..."He used his fingers, pointing Belle and himself repetitively. "...It's over. Go and enjoy you life." He said and turned to leave

"You don't want to be friends anymore?" Belle whispered. She then saw Gaston stop. He heard the whisper, making him stop.

"We're friends?" He asked, turning to face her. Belle nodded. 

"Of course Gaston. You changed. You stopped being a ignoramus and started to being nice and even enjoyed the book I was reading. You even said you were using your imagination" Belle said. Gaston looked at her. 

"Whats ig...nor..mus mean?" He asked, sounding the word out. Belle smiled. 

"Close, ig-nor-am-us and is means 'an ignorant or stupid person'. You said that very well." She said. Gaston smiled a bit. 

"Well, you reading to me did help a bit. OK, lets say I agree to let you teach me read, what do I get out of it?" Gaston asked, walking up to her. He towered over her. Belle wasn't afraid and smiled.     

"You gain to ability to read any book you want, go on any adventure you want and visit new places, all in your home and head." Belle said. Gaston shook his head. 

"Belle that's not want I mean." Gaston said. Belle looks confused. 

"What else is there then Gaston?" Belle asked. Gaston looked nervous.

"How about a date?" He asked. 

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