Chapter 14

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"Remus, I have a question..." I say slowly, unsure of how I want to phrase it.

"Yeah?" he asks me shyly.

"I was wondering, ah, ifyoulikeme?"  I speed through the rest of the sentence to get it done with faster.

"Erm, what was that last bit?" he asks me.

"I was wondering if you l-like me," I say, clearer and less rushed this time.

He blushes and I instantly feel the knot in my stomach tighten.  My pulse is up and I feel rather lightheaded.

"Erm, yeah I do.  I didn't want to tell you because I was scared you'd reject me.  You don't hate me, right?"  He says this all kind of timidly, not unlike Peter on a regular basis.

"Of course I don't hate you!  Why would I?"  I don't know what these feelings are, but I can feel my heart pounding in my throat and I have butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't know," he mumbles.

"And as for having a crush on you, I think I might," I tell him.  I don't really know until I say it that this is actually completely true.

"Really?" he asks me, not daring to believe his ears.


"Oh, wow, so, uh, what do we do now?"  I don't really have an answer to that.

Slowly, his hand slides over to mine and takes it.  It feels as though we were made for each other.  His hand and mine fit perfectly.

I blush in spite of myself and giggle.

Just now, James and Sirius walk over.  We spring apart and act casual.  I don't think they're convinced.

"So, are you planning anything for the full moon?" James asks us, ignoring the fact that my face is red, judging from how warm it is.

"Nah, not really, just breaking a few bones, maybe slicing myself up...Nothing special, you know?" I say sarcastically.  "Why?"

"James and I had an idea," begins Sirius.


so uh funny thing, i forgot all about wattpad. lots of stuff has changed, like the fact that im in 10th grade and 16 now, and i actually know how to write. im gonna be dropping the story here, but not really because instead, i'll rewrite the whole thing (book 1 included) from scratch. i also don't really like wattpad anymore so im gonna post it on ao3 (archive of our own for anyone who doesnt know). my user on there is ashe1 (yeah so also i realized im not cishet,,,) so um go check it out! idk when i'll do the rewrite but probably soon because im also going to be shifting to hogwarts and i feel this is going to be a good way to prepare for it in the evenings. also the last time i edited this chapter was april of 2019 so um chile anyways so- also i cant believe i did (and am currently doing) this whole authors note thing, its kinda cringe 👁👄👁 anyways um yeah
thats all, folks!
(i cant believe i did that oh gods)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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