Chapter 8 - Plans Put Into Action

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We sit around our tray in the greenhouse during Herbology, quietly discussing how to jinx Snape.

"I reckon we should use that seam-splitting hex, you know the one, and use it on his pants or something.  That'd be so funny," Sirius suggests in hushed tones.

"Don't be ridiculous.  We should use Tarantellegra on him! That would be funny," I say. Just now, Professor Sprout walks by. We pretend to be busy with our project until she goes past again and out of earshot.

"We should talk later," Remus warns us, the voice of reason.

"Fine," James says with a sigh.


Our chance to jinx Snape comes sooner than we think. We pass him in a corridor on our way to Transfiguration and I whip out my wand. Surprisingly, no one notices. As quietly as I can, I mutter, "Tarantellegra!" and point my wand at Snivellus. Instantly, his legs start jerking around in an unmistakable tap dance. We start laughing, when I realize I missed a crucial part of the plan.

Professor McGonagall eyes my wand out, and instantly puts 2 and 2 together. "Stacie, Remus, James, Sirius, Peter. Please come to my office."

We are in huge trouble. "Sit down," she tells us simply. We follow her directions and hope for the best, even though we know we're going to get detention.

"Well, I suppose you know why you are sitting here," she says.

"Er," James says. Great. Smooth choice, James.

"Yeah," says Sirius, looking down at his shoes, not meeting her eyes. He fidgets in his seat.

"It's my fault, Professor," I say quickly, trying to get the blame off of my friends. After all, they weren't the ones who actually jinxed Snivellus. I should be the one to get a detention, and I know it.

"No, don't try to cover for us," Remus tells me. "We're at fault, too."

"No you aren't!" I say, trying to tell him with my look that he should give it a rest. He doesn't.

"Detention for each of you. I expect to see you all in here at 6:00 Wednesday evening for your detentions," she tells us after we don't stop trying to take the blame for each other.

I frown, but say, "Yes ma'am," before the situation can get worse.

"Please go downstairs for your class now."

We walk out of her study and take our seats.

She begins the class with a short lecture about magic in the corridors being against the rules, and I get the feeling she is directing it towards us.

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