Chapter 13 - Letters And... Love...?

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I wake with a start.  Why am I in the boy's dormitory?  Almost immediately, I remember.

"Good morning," says Remus, smiling at me.

"Morning," I say back.

We grin like idiots for a few moments, until Sirius, James, and Peter wake up.  "Hey," they say.

"We should get some breakfast," I suggest.

"Okay," they say.


We sit down at our usual spots and I grab a plate of eggs and bacon.

Just now, a flock of owls swoops down on us, dropping the post.  Lily gets a copy of the Daily Prophet.  Suddenly, a large, majestic-looking owl drops a bloodred letter on the table.

"Check it out!  Sirius has gotten himself a Howler!" James exclaims.

"What's a Howler?" I ask, thoroughly confused.

"You'll see in a moment."

Sirius bolts out of the doors as we follow him.  We dash up the stairs as the letter starts smoking at the corners.

We make it to the third floor surprisingly before it bursts open.

"SIRIUS BLACK!  HOW DARE YOU ATTACK YOUR BROTHER LIKE THAT!?" the letter screams.  "YOU ARE A DREADFUL EXCUSE FOR A WIZARD!  WHEN YOU GET HOME I'LL--"  But we don't get to hear what the rest of the letter says, because Sirius lights it on fire.

"Incendio!" he shouts, directing his wand at the Howler.

If I wasn't already, I'm certainly sure now that I don't want to ever get a Howler.

"What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall asks us sternly.

"Looks like someone set a letter on fire, Professor," Sirius says with a smirk.

McGonagall notices the red tint to the ashes.  I watch as she realizes what happened.  To my surprise, she doesn't tell us off.  Instead, she just smiles and tells us not to let it happen again or else Filch will have our heads.


We're in History Of Magic when I get a message from Remus.

Hey, so I know you're working SO hard in class right now, but I was wondering if you could come and meet me in at Gryffindor Tower.

Of course, I'm confused.  What could he want to see me there for?  And in the middle of class, too?  I look over at him across the row, a questioning look in my eyes.

Sure, but you go first and I'll come a few minutes after so Professor Binns doesn't think something's up, I quickly scribble back.  He grins and nods his head.

Moments later, his hand is in the air.  Professor Binns pauses writing on the blackboard to look at Remus' hand.

"Yes, Mr, erm...?"  The professor's voice trails off, unable to recall Remus's name.

"Lupin, sir, I was wondering if I could go to see Madam Pomfrey, I'm feeling rather lightheaded," Remus says.

"Very well, erm, Mr Lupin.  Go right ahead."

Remus grins at me as he exits the classroom.  I keep my eye on the clock and when it's been about seven or eight minutes, I raise my hand too.  Professor Binns stares me down.

"And what do you need, miss?" he asks me.

"I'm, erm, not feeling too well either.  I think I need to go see Madam Pomfrey too," I tell him.

"Two students in one class!  Fine then, miss.  You may go."

It's all I can do not to jump out of my seat and run to the door.  After all, his class is dreadfully boring.  I sprint down the corridor once the door is closed but I skid to a halt when I hear crashing around the corner.  I peek my head around, and sure enough, it's Peeves.

I cross on tiptoe, trying not to alert him that I'm there.  I don't even dare to breathe.  Finally, I'm safe.

I run the rest of the way to Gryffindor Tower, anxiety setting in.  What could possibly be so important that Remus would ask me to cut class?

I walk up to the Fat Lady and she asks me for the password.

"Orbus Incantus," I tell her upon her request for the password.

The portrait swings open and I see Remus sitting on the hearthrug.  There doesn't appear to be anything wrong.  I walk over to him and sit down beside him.

"So, you wanted me to skip class.  What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Erm, that's the thing.  I was, ah, kinda bored and I didn't want to listen to that ghost drone on for another half hour," he tells me, flushing.

"Haha, me either," I tell him.

He grins at me.  I smile back.

A few minutes later, he turns to me.

"What's it like, being a cute girl?" he asks me, winking then bursting out laughing.

"Ah, channelling James' spirit now, I see," I say through giggles.

We roll around on the floor laughing for what seems like ages.  I can't help but wonder, though.  Why did he ask me this now?  I can't seem to make heads or tails of it since he couldn't possibly have a crush on me.  I mean, we're best friends!

Unless he really does like you, says a small voice in the back of my head.  I ignore it.

I can't breathe so I try to get my laughter under control.  We sit in silence, watching the fireplace.  The quiet is deafening and I feel my face steadily growing warmer.  I chance a glance over at Remus to see him looking back at me, face as red as mine.

We both jerk our heads around the other way at the same time.  But that look on his face before he turned has me questioning myself.

Maybe he does like me, I think.  It would certainly explain why he never really looks me in the eye anymore and why, when we do make eye contact, his face flushes.

I decide that it's now or never.  I won't ask him in front of our friends, so I may as well ask him and get it over with.

"Hey, Remus, I have a question..."

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