Chapter 6 - The First Game

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It's a clear day.  Perfect conditions for a Quidditch match.  The first game is against Slytherin, and I don't feel very well.  Kiera is sympathetic, telling me how it's just pregame nerves.  Everyone gets them, and I just hope she's right that my playing will be incredible.

I step out onto the pitch and am assaulted by the green and silver clad Slytherin supporters.  "Pay them no mind," Kiera hisses in my ear.  "They're just a bunch of losers."

But I saw what happened last year.  Gryffindor won no games against Slytherin.  My hopes aren't high for this first match.

The Snitch is released, and I set about finding it.  The commentator is saying, "And there's Kenner of Gryffindor with the Quaffle, and he shoots... HE SCORES!  And the score is 10-0 to Gryffindor! 

"Oh no, Bludger to Potter's right arm, looks broken, and--POTTER'S GOT THE QUAFFLE IN HIS LEFT ARM!  That's incredible flying, that is!  And Potter passes to Simmens, who tosses it neatly through the middle post, 20-0 Gryffindor..."

I spot the Snitch hovering near Slytherin's Seeker, I speed up to catch it, and I reach it.  I clutch my fingers over the struggling golden ball as Strueman looks around him.


My teammates pile on top of me, cheering wildly.

We troop back up to the common room, still cheering.  Argus Filch, the caretaker, starts yelling at us, but we don't care.  When we reach the common room, we are greeted by even more cheers.  A few students smuggle in butterbeer, and some sneak down to the kitchens to get some food.  We have a party that lasts well past 4 in the morning, even attended by a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws.

When we finally get to bed, none of us really sleep.  We stay up all night talking about the match, and we're exhausted on Sunday morning.

Stacie Redmond and the Room of RequirementOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant