A new candidate

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I look up to be suddenly reminded I was in the presence of a girl, quickly closing the stats screen, I try to pull a casual look. "I apologize ma'am, I seem to have gotten a bit dizzy there. But what do you mean by time affinity? I don't recall knowing of it."

The girl looks at me, as if deciding to call my bluff or not. She then moved on to answering me with a hearty grin. "Well I'm not completely surprised as it is a unique affinity, but it is pretty common compared to others. I assume you have it because you knew my name, though judging by your response I guess I must be wrong.."

Hearing her response I get startled and quickly reply. "No, no of course I do, how else could I have known your name? Hahaha of course I have a time affinity!" I give my best at the lie, cringing inside my head as I realize how pitiful my excuse was. Though I am curious to which unique affinities I have, as I saw the unique affinity had a golden + next to it. Opening my stats I give a mental click to it, only to suddenly have a large window open with a number in the bottom reading page 1-909636187480642929. On the first page I saw what I could only assume to be thousands of affinities across the window. There was a search bar in the middle at the top in golden font.This baffled me, I could be this strong could I? I wonder how many unique affinities a typical mage has.

"Eh, Sarah I have a quick question I would like to know, how many unique affinities would a typical mage have?

She grinned at this, deviously and gave a quick response. "No standard mage would have a unique ability, any one that gets lucky to have 1 is destined to be at least talented, and that's sitting out in the middle of no where living a run of the mill life. If someone was to have two, which has only been heard of 7 times in our history, they would undoubtedly become a genius and above and go down in history. This is why I was surprised when I thought you had one, you would have the potential to become a king!"

I knew there was something strange about me, I'll have to keep this under wraps and not let my information get out. Though I am curious what makes unique affinities so powerful. I go back to the unique section and skim through them, I select at random bodily manipulation. A screen appeared showing the affinities name in bold letters, under it showed one option. To activate this ability, user must undergo a strike from the heavens. (Yes.No)

Wow! A strike from the heavens? That's insane! How hard would it be to survive, assuming I'm powerful I doubt it would do much damage...

While still thinking about this, Sarah replies to me "you alright? You seem a bit off.."

Sub consciously I reply to her. "Yes of course!" Not realizing what I just did the system replied 'Initiating heavens strike' what?? Oh shit oh shit I messed up. I began running out of pure fear for my life away from Sarah. "Hey? Where are you going? Are you oka- what the hell is that!" Unknown to me Sarah saw a dark cloud with golden light radiating from under it, she stood in disbelief.

As I cleared about 10 feet from my last position I heard rumbling from above me. 'Shit shit shit this is not good at all!' 'KRACKLE' my body stiffened as lightning struck my body, rippling through my veins. Strangely enough, it didn't hurt. 'Absorbing lightning power' I heard a chime echo through my mind. 'Exp +1,350,000.' 'User has achieved level requirement for 'Gods candidate'. Teleporting user to worlds central kingdom to introduce new candidate to the world.

Blip. 'User has unlocked Bodily manipulation affinity.'
Blip. 'User being teleported to central kingdom.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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