The Meeting Ground

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Moto-Moto Pov:

I always hav fellz 4 big chung. but i scar for rejectsed. he so big. so chunky. i love his phat rolz but he onle zee me as a big friend. 😢 today we goze to coofe shop. here i tell chung my feelz. i hope i no get rejectsed. az we waddlez to coofe shoup. as we gets their we zee persoonz screamz and runz from a big green chunky manz.

Shrek Pov:

they gets it rong. they no put sweet sweet slimy mud in my mudcaffe. i start to be mad. i yellz “U STUPIS IMBACELOZ I NEEEEEEED MUD 4 MY CHUNKS BODIEZ” than i see too beatiful menz walddz up tooo meh.

Chungus Pov:

he is big. Hes chunky. he might tak moto moto awyz fom meh. but he coudz help mej confuse my feelz 4 moto. we andz moto waddlz up to him, he lookz hawt. but notz as hawt as moto. i askz “ howdy y u be big anger¿” hez saiys “ THEYZ KNOW GIVZ MY MUOD 4 ME MUDCAFFE”. i asks” why notz cum hume wit us and wez give u mudcaffe¿” he lookz like he tink. than saiys “sure ill gow anyz whereear with tooo hawt menz like u 2s”. me and moto bloosh. “okz thiz wayz”

Moto-Moto Pov-

ill letz he cum wit oos butt if he tink he can took chung awayz frum meh, wellz je gotz anoother ting cumming

to be continued….

The Meme-ing Of Love ||| Chungus x Moto-Moto x ShrekWhere stories live. Discover now