"Are we having fun, pet?" came a low, rumbling voice. You froze, staring at the closed door. One of them had gotten inside, despite your caution. And considering who you had been fighting off just now, it left you with only one answer as to whom it was.

Something wet lapped at the back of your neck, making you shriek and spin around, face to face with a giant abomination of a bear. Jet black, with red eyes, a yellow top hat and bow tie, and two mouths: one normal- if you could call it normal- and one on it's belly. The wet thing turned out to be an abnormally large tongue protruding from the lower mouth. It drooled and licked at your neck again, making you whimper. What was with this thing?!

"Quite a tasty little creature, aren't you? I must admit, I'm quite... hungry." The bear grinned down at you, showing rows of sharp, deadly teeth. From both of its mouths.

"God, please, don't eat me..." you choked out, backing away and up against the shut door. You were effectively trapped with the giant bear in the room. "What are you...?"

"Nothing but a nightmare, and you may call me as such," it rumbled. Nightmare grinned wider still before grabbing your shoulder in one broad hand, spinning you around and pinning you against the door. The claws at the end of the hand dug into your flesh, making you cry out in pain as rivulets of blood ran down your arm.

Lips- distinctly human ones- molded to your neck, the bearer breathing heavily as it took in your scent, pressing kisses to your skin. What the fuck had just happened to the bear? You had no time to think of that now; there were much larger problems at hand. Mostly about the pair of hands creeping to your chest, squeezing your breasts in an almost playful manner... if it wasn't so painful. You shrieked again, trying to squirm your way away from WHATEVER it was, until hands pushed you back against the door again.

"Keep squirming. It makes the blood flow," came the voice. It was softer but no less dangerous.

You froze in place, eyes wide. "What... are you...?"

"Your Nightmare." It spun you back around, bringing you face to face with a human resembling the monstrous bear, at least in some ways. He was still massive, built like a fucking tank with muscle that seemed to signify that he could break you in half if he so pleased.

There were still two mouths to deal with.

The wet feeling of one of his tongues slithered around your neck; how big was that fucking thing?! The male grinned wider than ever- as large as he was, his teeth seemed like they could not fit into his mouth. Almost.

"Aren't you a treat? I'll tell you what, my little cupcake... let me have my way and nothing will bother you ever again." A clawed hand stroked your cheek, and you squeezed your eyes shut. He could rip you to shreds with those nails, you were dead certain of it.

The lack of sleep was affecting your better judgment. His proposal sounded good, pleasant even. To be left alone for a night! "Wh-what do I have to do...?" you murmured.

"Nothing. I'll do all the work." You had no chance to react as the clothing was torn from your body. Out of instinct- and perhaps principle- your arms covered the most private things, eyes wide. What he wanted was...

Horny bastard.

"Now, now, there's no need to be so shy. What a delicious little thing you are. Either be willing or not; I'm not picky either way." His hands took hold of your wrists, encircling them easily as they were pinned against the door behind you. You whimpered; his lower mouth was drooling, tongue out and dragging along your skin. The texture was rough, almost like a cat's, and it was enormous. He groaned as he tasted you; how hungry he was!

Toxic Obsession (FNaF x Reader One-Shot Collection)Where stories live. Discover now