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Happy life not just a happy ending.

Dedicated to Intesab Ahmad

"Wake up Sea, come on sweetheart wake up, the sun is already out", the sun is out, so what do I do.....


"Go away dad.", I groaned, sounding like a dying elephant.

How do you even know how a dying elephant sounds like.


Ahhhh I love mornings just as much as Trump loves North Korea, yeah, pretty tight knitted we are. I'd actually like mornings a lot better only if they started a bit later.

"Yes dad, I can rise and shine just not at the same time.", wow even with the morning not being good, my brain is still sliding into sarcasm like a freaking ninja.

Proud of you.

"Well smarty pants, how about you rise now and then shine later in your school today.", and with that said, my comforter was ripped off----


"Aghhhhhhhh dad, okay okay, I'm up, I'm up.", no one wins against the senior Maddison.



Wow, I scrubbed and got dressed in less than fifteen minutes, I seriously need to revisit, females-take-more-time-to-dress policy.

But so what if we take hours, we take our time, would you like if we rather took yours???

"Dr. Octavia called yesterday, you went to meet her, how was it?", my dad interjected, he really tries to pull us through our hard time, he tries for both of us, he really does, but that's not what I want.

I want to be able to run after that light in my own darkness on my own, I want to hear the voice of reason inside my head, I want my intelligence to echo in my mind, I want to own up my life and not just pass by it, I want to feel alive and not just survive.

I don't want a happy ending, I just want a happy life.

Is that too much to ask.

"....Sea, are you okay honey?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I better get going, I'll take the bus today, so don't worry.", I said hurriedly ignoring his question about my therapist session, better ignore than explain, kissing my dad's cheek and with one quick wave of hand, I sprinted away to the bus station.

.....And my ever loving luck, just as I was reaching the bus stop, I could see the rear end of the bus going down the road and out of my sight.


Do I walk all the way to school now.

Geez, I hate being late but what do I do when I'm so good at it.

"I'd say good morning, but you and I both know , I'd be lying for seeing your face this early just ruined everything good about my morning.", said my baby face mate from the passenger's seat of the black convertible, which was now parked next to me at the bus station with it's roof down.

Just fucking great, my morning just got perfect now.

"Your flexibility amazes me Tanner, how do you get your foot in your mouth and your head up your ass at the same time.", I sarcastically replied back.

Some people just never learn.

Now looking at the black convertible, I could see River behind the steering wheel staring at me with an unreadable expression, thanks to his black Ray Bans which was hiding his eyes at the moment thus giving me more time to appreciate the rest of his stony features, a slight stubble which was accentuating his jaw line brought a ruggedness to his already dark and mysterious hallmark.
Tanner beside him took the passengers seat was now sporting a knowing smirk, maybe because he got a rise out of me and that's what he wanted.


And Caiden was dozing off at the back with his legs spread on the seat, oblivious to the world. Soft snores could be heard from where I was standing.

Poor lad, didn't get enough sleep last night.

"Are you gonna stand and gawk or do you want a ride to school?", River asked with genuine apprehension.

Do I want a ride with holier-than-thou trio of hot spaghetti sausage?

Damn yeah.

Do I want a ride with people who might want to be friends with me and one of them being the one whose-eyes-shall-not-be-mentioned?

Ummmmm if I start walking, I'll get to school, a bit late but then I can always pretend like I'm not late, just early for tomorrow.

"Tanner, get back with Caiden, and you hop on.", River said beckoning me to take the passenger seat.

If he had to make the decision himself then why bother asking.

"What the heck dude, I called the short gun first, and Caiden's literally out like a light, how am I supposed to wake him up?",

Now that triggered my guilt.

"It's fine, no need to wake anyone up, I'll just run back home and ask my dad for help, you guys should get going.", I said.

"Urghhhhh fuck fine, you females really know how to shoot my soft side.", Tanner said with an exaggerated groan, moving to the back seat with an exasperated look and motioned me to take the front.
With a quick thanks, I buckled myself and River kicked on the ignition.

Here we go.

I sought of need to give River a good applaud for having his own version of Fast And Furious. He was driving at a whirlwind of speed, to note my reaction maybe.

But he doesn't know, that speed thrills me, there's something exhilarating about wind pushing you in your face, hair flying in all direction, while your adrenaline jumps to inhuman notches, it's liberating, almost like a rebirth, like you've been rejuvenated, moving forward while leaving everything behind, it gives a new meaning to me, when I see the whole world slipping beneath me while I hold on to that one last straw that takes me forward, that takes me ahead, just like this car right now.

Speed for some people may just be a stimulation, but to me, it's freedom, it's one thing the universe cannot take away from me.

Not, how it took him.

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