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“Sea never meets River, River flows into Sea”
                                                                 Dedicated to Stuti Karna

I’d be lying if I say that the rest of my day went in a blur, it certainly wasn’t eventful but it didn’t lack the ember of my morning appearance as well.
All through the first half of school, I caught glimpse of eyes and fingers pointing in my direction, sometimes from anyplace in the crowd, other times from distant benchers sitting with me in my scheduled class. It’d be an understatement to say that it wasn’t bothering me in the slightest form, because it was crippling me.

The attention was harboring my stability in a closed abandoned dockyard, the curious looks were throwing my already sinking ship across the oceans for an overwhelming journey which would end gravely for me.
The little whispers going around the school were like the Seahawks flying over its water abode, flapping it’s wings sometime deep inside the water, sometime barely scraping it, but it surely was disturbing sea’s tranquility, robbing it of its serenity, just like it was affecting me now.

How ironic, my name is not just Sea, I am the Sea in its very form.

Distress is an emotion, mortal even to the calm and poised mind, then my brain was already a version of tsunami on an overdrive, it was lethal to me, so I did what I best do. I ignored it. If people are free to their opinions and judgements, then I’m free to ignore them. Constitution should really pin this in its fundamental rights.
So, when the bell for the recess went off, my heart nearly dropped ten beats.
I wasn’t ready to sit amidst the chatter, wasn’t prepared to be in a setting of social gathering, and I definitely wasn’t looking ahead to getting acquainted with post-puberty-phased creatures.

Then run, like you always do.

With my tail stuck between my legs, no thanks and by the way my food still require seasoning, if you’ve forgotten.

Greenville Riverfront Cafeteria was no exception to the contemporary food court scenario, kids sprawled on benches since sitting on chairs was obviously too mainstream. I could already see the clear demarcation in the hierarchy with the seating arrangements.
Centre spot was reserved by the royalty, who just happens to be my favorite blondie and her posse along with their long range of admirers, I’m assuming.

Exaggeration much.

Hell, okay fine, seated at the center table were a trio of hot spaghetti sausage, who were either good at sporting masks or maybe the blondie was thick skulled for not taking the hit that she’s just as unwelcomed there as a chocolate chip on a pepperoni pizza, Jesus, just the mental image is ticking off my gag reflexes, well you get my gist…



And very much bothered by their constant squealing. I almost laughed out loud when one of the sky scraper, very sneakily tried to push his chair away from the babbling mouth, clearly irritated by her bird-high pitched voice.

You and me brother, you and me, both.

Amused by the royals getting harassed, I made my way stealthily to the back of the cafeteria and took a chair at the far corner away from human breath, going unnoticed.



Maybe released that breath of relief too soon, don’t you think B.

Today clearly doesn’t seem to be my fortunate day, in front of me, was a petite, small framed dark haired hazel, smiling at my brooding profile, okay….. that is a bit off, what’s she smiling at, clearly there’s no FREE FOOD written on my forehead, with her outstretched palm, for me to shake I presume, well of course, I mean it’ll be a major human repellent to show your pinkie to strangers for nail paint inspection……

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