1. Legally impaired

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Riley: Guess who I just bumped into in the halls.. Riley texted me, as I sat in my AP European history class.

Me: Who?

Riley: Ryder...

Me: Tell me more?!

Riley: We bumped into each other and he caught me right when I was about to fall and before I could say thank you he told me to 'watch where I was going' and then he walked away?!
Like how rude was that?

Me: He totally likes you. #Rilder

Gross. :-/

Although we are a bit closed off from the rest of the social group we're exactly like every other teenage girl. We gossip, we consume large amounts of pizza and we sleep a little bit more than necessary. Or is that just us?

"Jasmine, is there a reason why you are dazing off during my class?" I shift my head up from my desk, and quickly tuck my phone in-between my legs. 

Mr.Tupino always had a tendency with taking my phone during class, but I'm keeping this little shit today. "No, I was just thinking about what you said that's all," I say, pushing my glasses up my nose.

"And what exactly was I saying?" He questioned, while crossing his arms over his chest like a douche bag. Before giving him a slight smirk, I gaze at the board and start to read it word for word. When he noticed the words I was spewing weren't my own he cut me off.

"Jasmine, pay attention in my class or I'll just have to give you detention." He spat.

"Oh I'm soooo scared," I muttered underneath my breath.

"What was that?" He shifts his attention towards me once again. I didn't even say it that loud! My eyes widened, trying to find something to rhyme with what I had really said.

"I said...oh I am legally impaired..." I trail off hoping he'll buy it, but with my luck he doesn't. The class filled with awkward silence, and weird looks from my classmates, but I was used to it. This kind of stuff happened on a weekly basis.

That's another detention for me. If detentions could kill my gpa I would be attending the college right behind the dumpsters after my senior year. This is probably my eighty thousandth detention of the year. I can't wait to tell my mother.

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