Chapter 26.

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I know I casted a vote and nobody voted for this, and there were a lot of suggestions for other things. I did try to get ideas for some of them, but a good amount of those suggestions I haven't seen or heard of. I'm sorry about that, but I really appreciate your suggestions!

Hope you enjoy the chapter anyways! Love you guyssss

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I step through the portal and onto a metal floor. Blue came up behind me, her claws tapping against the surface. Bendy and Springtrap came through last, only Bendy had changed his form. He now had one visible eye as ink covered the other, a mouth filled with large teeth, a more muscular build, 4 claws on each hand, cloven hooves and a spiked demon tail. The Ink Demon looked at his new shape with wonder.

"Whoa, whatever happened to me, I LIKE it." He clenched his fists.

I smile and look in front of us, to see deep ocean blue for miles. I raise an eyebrow at the sight of some large fish swimming by, I take a look around and see that we're now in a glass tube walkway, I put my gun and knife in my bag. We're underwater as we can see, but...where? Blue eyed the fish as they swam by the window, drool dripping from her jaw. She's hungry.

"Don't worry Blue, I'll find you something to eat soon. But first we gotta get, you know, ABOVE water." I said.

"Question is, which way is out? And do you know where we are, kid?" Springtrap asked.

"Actually, no. I don't. I don't recognize this place from any movies I've seen, or games I've played." I start walking down the walkway, looking out at the water.

Blue trotted up to my side and kept pace with me, Bendy and Springtrap following close behind. A plastic curtain lay in my way as I pushed through it with ease, seeing crates and a little girl with a toy in her hands. I gester for everyone to stay back as to not frighten her, for she looks around 7 or 8. They stay behind as I approach the little girl, who noticed me and looked confused.

"Who are you? Why do you have a weird bite mark on your shoulder that's still bleeding?" She asks.

"My name is Sky, and the bite mark isn't important. Could you tell me where I am? I'm a little lost." I ask.

"We're in the Mana One science station..." The little girl said before trailing off, looking out the window.

She dropped the toy and it hit the metal floor with a clunk, her eyes wide with fear. I was confused as to why she was scared, so I turn to face the window. What I see...takes my breath away. I share her look of shock at what is staring back at us. 2 gigantic rows of razor sharp teeth, grey beady eyes, white and grey skin. It's a shark, one that looks similar to a Great White, but it's at least 3 times bigger.

It's a Megalodon Shark, thought to be extinct. The fish opened its jaws and chomped on the glass, making the little girls scream and the lights flicker. It somehow wasn't cracking the glass like you'd think. The girl clutched onto me out of fear as the Megalodon kept trying to get us, I was cautious to not get any of my blood on her from the Indoraptor bite. The shark then seemed to give up then swam away, allowing us to see it at full size. It looked to be at LEAST 45 feet in length, huge. The little girl released her grip from me and went to pick up her toy.

Multiple footsteps were heard coming our way, 2 men and a woman came running in. The woman looked to be the girls mother, one of the men was bald as the other had hair. They caught a glimpse of the teeth marks from the Megalodon "attack", the woman comforting her daughter.

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