"You had me at P. I."

Gert answered, causing Marina to roll her eyes.

She quickly realized this was Gert, her friend, and reminded herself to keep her jealousy in check.

"I could check in with the youth group at my church, make sure Destiny's actually on this trip."

Karolina offered.


Alex said, obviously deeming it a good idea.

"Not that I think we need to."

Karolina added.

"Cool. I'll go with her."

Chase said.

He'd seemed protective of Karolina since the incedents of the party, and Marina respected that.

"I'm all for the buddy system, but I think we need to prioritize."

Alex decided.

Apparently someone died and made him leader?

Marina realized the irony of that thought, and immediately wanted to throw up

"Aw, bummer!"

Gert sassed.

Chase seemed dissapointed.

"I mean, you said it yourself your dad's new Leapfrog has a mega-sized trunk. I'm thinking he put that glowing box in back and took it home with him. I mean, Destiny could still be in there. "

"Oh yeah, and he'll be psyched when he catches me digging through his shit. "

Chase countered Alex's logic.

Marina couldn't help but feel sympathetic, his dad was a real dick.

"Then he better not catch you."

Gert countered.

"If you had an awesome sleuth like me as your lookout, you'd be safe."

"Good call, Gert. See? Pairing up here actually makes sense."

Alex decided.

"Chase hasn't agreed to anything yet."

Marina countered, feeling protective, and still a little nauseas.

"It'll take five minutes, and then afterwards we can prepare for your Spanish quiz on Monday. I have flashcards."

That suddenly put everything into perspective.

They still had lives outside of this shit.

Spanish quizzes, church services, sports.

"I guess that's not a terrible idea."

Chase admitted.

"Marina can come too, I'm her ride anyways."

Marina smiled, hoping it wasn't obvious that she was elated he wanted her there.

"Okay. I'll try and check out that secret ceremony room. Might be some clues down there, seeing as it's a secret ceremonial room. I could, uh, use a lookout, too. "

Alex hinted to Nico, his crush on her painstakingly obvious.

God the sexual tension in the group was frightening.

"Think I'd better check out my Mom's staff, see what the thing really does. Prioritizing, right?"

Nico answered uncomfortably.


Alex responded, attempting to wipe the dissapointment from his face.

"Okay, how about we use that text chain, keep in touch, important business only."

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