The table was packed end to end with food. They found their seats. Chaeyoung and Jisoo ended up next to each other. Chaeyoung looked over at Jisoo and smiled. Jisoo pulled Chaeyoung in for a quick hug. They didn't need to speak to convey to each other their happiness this year.

Daesung started carving the turkey and everyone started passing around the side dishes. Small conversations overlapped around the table until everyone was settled with their food. Daesung tapped his spoon on his wine glass to get everyone's attention.

"Ok, Thanksgiving tradition," Daesung said.

"Please, Dad, are you really going to make us do this?" Jennie whined.

"Yes, I am," Daesung said, "We have a tradition that as we start our meal we go around the table and say something that we are thankful for. There is one rule, we are all thankful for the meal and the people at this table so you can't say either of those."

"I'll start," Minzy said happily as Jennie and Lisa shot each other exasperated looks.

"I know I'm breaking the rules a bit but I really am thankful for the new additions at our table this year," Minzy said, smiling at Chaeyoung and Jisoo, "And, I am thankful for Gureum, the best restaurant in Seoul."

Lisa couldn't help but smiling from ear to ear. Jennie raised her glass in agreement and clinked it on Lisa's glass.

Lisa was sitting next to Minzy so it was her turn to go next.

"This year I'm thankful for the man that helped out Jennie," Lisa said.

"Good one, Lisa" Jisoo said smiling.

"I'm thankful for afternoon teas with a sweet friend who shares my love of books," Chaeyoung said when it was her turn.

"I'm thankful for Netflix," Jisoo said, making everyone laugh, "I don't know what Jennie and I would have done without it these past few months."

"I'm thankful for the doctors and nurses who took care of me," Jennie said next.

BamBam looked almost panicked when it got to him.

"Relax, Bam, if I was able to do this I have complete faith in your ability," Chaeyoung said, smiling.

"Ok, I've got one," BamBam said as it hit him, "I'm thankful for Sandara Park. I wouldn't be sitting here today with all of you if she wasn't in my life."

"I'm thankful for my beautiful new niece," Mina said, with a big grin.

"And back to me," Daesung said, "I'm thankful for the grant we just received at our office that is going to allow me to keep working on science that can benefit all of us."

As they finished they all raised their glasses and toasted. The next few minutes were quiet as everyone was enjoying their food.

"I guess all it takes to get this group quiet is a turkey and about 12 side dishes," Daesung said making everyone laugh.

"It's all just so good," Jisoo said, "I've never in my life had a meal like this, in so many ways. I know we just did the thankful thing but I really have to say how incredible this is for me." Jisoo looked like she might be getting a little emotional and Jennie leaned over casually and draped her arm over her shoulder.

"We are so happy to do it," Minzy said, "I love Thanksgiving."

They were eating for a full hour until everyone was stuffed. The whole group helped clean up. By the time they were finished the house looked as though nothing had happened. All the dishes were clean and the leftovers put away. The apple pies were just coming out of the oven.

"Let's let the pies cool while we start the movie," Minzy said, "And we can let our dinner digest a bit before we overstuff ourselves even more."

"The movie?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Another tradition," Lisa said, "We always watch 'It's a Wonderful Life' after Thanksgiving dinner. I think it's Minzy's way of transitioning us into Christmas spirit. If you guys thought today was a big deal wait until you experience Christmas."

Minzy came in with a bunch of blankets and everyone found a comfy spot and settled in for the movie. Halfway through Minzy paused the movie to serve everyone pie a la mode. By the time the movie ended it was dark outside and they were all tired from the long day and the huge meal.

"I guess we will be heading out," BamBam said, "I can't thank you all enough. This was a great day."

"Yes, thanks for making me feel so welcome," Mina said, "this was really great."

They walked out and everyone waved from the porch as they drove down the long driveway.

"She is adorable," Minzy said immediately.

"I know, she's so friendly and she is so smart," Chaeyoung said, "they make a cute couple."

"Thumbs up for Mina," Jisoo said, and they all laughed.

"Come on, you goofball," Jennie said, "We need to get our stuff together to get out of here too."

"We're all packed up," Lisa said, "whenever you guys are ready."

"You sure you don't want to spend the night again?" Minzy asked.

"I have to work tomorrow, Mom," Lisa said, "It's easier for us to get back."

"And I have physical therapy," Jennie said.

"Ok, fine," Minzy said, "you know I just love having you girls here."

"Christmas is right around the corner, Mom," Jennie said, "We'll all be back soon."

They all went and grabbed their stuff and packed up the car. Everyone hugged and said their goodbyes and they started their trip back to Seoul. They were all just listening to the radio and relaxing for a few minutes. Chaeyoung noticed Jisoo deep in thought for a while until she seemed to snap out of it. Jisoo moved over and snuggled tightly into Jennie. Jennie wrapped her arm around Jisoo.

"In my entire life I've never had a better Thanksgiving Day than today," Jisoo said, "No offense, Chaeyoung, since we've spent the last few together but I'm sure you feel the same way."

"I do," Chaeyoung said, "It was really great. I guess now we know what all the fuss is about."

"Yep, it was pretty much a perfect day for me too," Lisa said, "It sure beats working at a restaurant in New York City by a mile."

"I'm glad we decided to go up last night, too," Jennie said, "It was nice having that time with Mom and Dad."

"Me too," Lisa said.

"Although I'm really looking forward to getting you home alone," Jennie said, smiling wickedly at Jisoo.

"What, you didn't get any action last night?" Lisa said turning her head to smirk back at Jennie.

"You didn't?" Jennie asked, her eyes wide.

"Oh, we definitely did," Lisa said laughing. Chaeyoung was just blushing furiously.

"Chaeyoung, I've never been so impressed," Jisoo said laughing.

"All I have to say is... Best. Thanksgiving. Ever," Chaeyoung replied, giggling.

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