Most Used Emoji's (preference)

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Top six most used emojis
(Not in order of most to least cause it depends on the situation)

🐻 because... Woobear
💖 he luurves you
🍗 because he loves chicken too
😇 constantly trying to convince him that you solemnly swear you are up to (no) good
😬 because.... PMS is real
😍 because he's whipped for you of course

🐨 (they didn't have a kangaroo emoji fml)
😴 because this boi always be working too late
💖 loves
💕 you
💙 for some reason he really loves this heart. I don't even know hey.
💑 honestly this just seems like something chan would send.

👉lets be
👌honest. He uses this so much. It hurts. Physically hurts.
💖 still super whipped though.
😏 ....minhoe.
😒 he's so jealous. Its.. Its.. Almost unrealistic.
👅 *sculls holy water*

🌈 for some reason he uses this emoji almost as much as he uses full stops.
💟 he likes this heart because he thinks it looks like its glowing.
😳 he protecc
😉 but he also attacc
❤ he is so whipped
✌ cool kid

💞 uwu baby
😜 but also... Baby daddy???
👔 for some goddamn reason he uses this emoji to symbolize that he has to get all dressed up for something but all you can picture is him in a suit and frankly its distracting.
💯 that one person who spends three whole minutes looking for the perfect emoji
💍 if you like her then you....
🌏 *stray kids everywhere all around the world*

😍 he's so whipped. Jisung heart eyes
💜 he actually spams this emoji
😘 this one too. On a daily basis
😏 well.... He's.... Been spending too much time with the minhoe.
💦 I Am: Not Okay
😱 because he's actually so frickin extra

💀 he thinks he's scary and dark
💙 because his heart "is hard as ice"
💪 he's compensating for his height.
💛 he accidentally pressed the wrong heart one day and found he kind of liked this one. Now he uses it all the time.
👑 cause you're his queen
🌚 slfkdkfkskc I don't even know.

🐨well... Does it really need explaining?
🍔 this boi legit uses this emoji so much I swear to god.
🌞 because you're his sunshine
🍩 let's
🍣 be
🍗 realistic

:-P  old school kid
:-$ did he just...
O:-) did he seriously send this emoji after sending one that implicated he swore?
:-) is so freakin cute uwu
:-* kisses for days.
:-D why is he like this?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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