Friends and Meeting Jojo//Ch.2

Start from the beginning

Sean nodded after checking his phone, grabbing his keys and two water bottles and leading her to the car. They hopped in and he handed Kaycee the aux cord, letting her get settled before putting the car in drive. Kaycee jammed out the entire car ride to the studio, ecstatic to be taking one of her role model's classes.

They reached the studio with five minutes to spare and they both sprinted inside, being the last people in the studio before the doors closed. Kaycee hunched over in pain as one of her ribs ached after the exertion, she had been fine dancing this morning so she didn't know why it was hurting her now.

"Kayc, what wrong?" Sean asked, concern lacing his voice. She straightened her back leaving one hand on her prominent rib cage, breathing out slowly.

"Oh it's nothing, just—" she was cut off by the choreographer entering the room. She breathed out a sigh of relief, for once the world was on her side.

"Ok guys so today we are doing a piece that is really close to my heart, Ive been working on it for a long time and you all will be the first group to learn it, so thank you for coming out tonight. The song is called Scars to your beautiful by Alessia Cara. Ok guys, So we are going to start by sitting down and just feeling the music. This choreography is going to be about insecurities, the things that you don't like about yourself and about working past and overcoming them, and being able to be comfortable in your own skin." Jojo announced, plugging her phone into the speaker.

Kaycee sat in the very back and Sean sat next to her, both of them listening to the words, feeling the vibes of the song.

whats a little bit of hunger?
I can go a little while longer
she fades away

Two emotional dances in one day was a lot for Kaycee, especially when they hit this close to home, but she enjoyed pushing herself and was excited to learn the choreography. The song resonated with her, as she was insecure about everything, her weight, her hair, her personality. She remembered what it felt like to be a kid and not care about those things, but that innocence was taken away from her when her parents died. Kaycee channeled her experience and emotions into the choreography, and even though she was hidden away in the back of the room, she still caught the choreographer's attention. She was so carried away by the story that she forgot about the pain in her aching ribcage.

After picking up the choreography pretty fast, Kaycee felt excited about the dance. Everyone cleared the floor when it was time to film and Kaycee was surprised when Jojo picked her to dance first. With a gentle nudge from Sean she slowly walked to the center of the floor, feeling everyone's attention on her. Whispers reached her ears as she walked by people,
Who is she?
I heard she ran out of Janell's class this morning
What is she doing with Sean?

She ignored them, stopping when she made it to the middle of the floor.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" Jojo asked, looking at the small girl. "Kaycee Rice" she said, just now noticing Janelle and Will sitting in the back of the room, whispering to each other

"When Kaycee was dancing there was just something really special about her that made her stand out to me, her emotional connection to the song, the way her movements all had a purpose in telling a story. I want you all to see what I saw so Kaycee here is going to do a solo for us."  Jojo stated, making Kaycee blush.

Jojo walked over to the speaker and Kaycee got into position, listening to the camera man's instructions before taking a deep breath, getting in the headspace for the dance. Jojo nodded at Kaycee and the music started playing, taking her away.

Kaycee performed the choreography and ended it with a joyous freestyle.

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