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"Kaycee you're back!" Janelle engulfed into a bear hug the second she entered the studio on Monday morning. Jojo followed behind her, coffee in hand. "Are you sure it's not to soon, what did the doctor say?" Janelle questioned, looking at Jojo.

"She can be here as long as she doesn't do any crazy backbends or whatnot. I told her that when she gained five pounds back she could come to team rehearsals, so here we are." Jojo exclaimed, proudly.

Kaycee blushed at the statement, looking down. It had only been three days since she told Jojo, but she was determined to recover quickly.

Janelle and Jojo caught up as they followed an eager Kaycee into the studio, where rehearsals had already started.

"Kaycee Rice!" Will boomed as she walked into the studio, pulling her into a gentle hug, "Janelle told me everything, I'm so so sorry that happened to you, just know that everyone is here to support you, alright? If you ever need anything I'm here." he lowered his voice on the last part, as the team watched the interaction curiously.

"Thank You. That means a lot to me," Kaycee whispered, trying not to get emotional again.

"Kaycee why don't you go and warm up? Sean's going to do his solo and then you can do yours." Janelle announced, seeing the girls look of discomfort. She walked to the corner of the studio, stretching as she watched Sean's solo.

As usual she was blown away by his dancing, his movements were all fast and well thought out, and when he finished he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes as he trudged back to the rest of the team, sliding down the mirror to watch the next solo.

Kaycee pulled herself from the corner and walked to the middle of the floor, feeling all eyes glued to her. She took in the looks on her team members faces, seeing some cold and some curious expressions. She knew they all probably still hated her, deservedly so in her mind, and sighed as she got into position, nodding at Jojo to start the music.

The team had been expecting hip hop so they were surprised when Kaycee started a contemporary routine.

Counting days, counting days
Since my love up and got lost on me
And every breath that I've been takin'
Since you left feels like a waste on me

"Ever since we danced together, I've realized, I have never felt more excited about dancing than when I dance with you. We just have this chemistry and connection when we dance and it's something special that we shouldn't just pass up. So, Kaycee Caitlin Rice, will you give me the honor of being your official dance partner?"

I've been holding on to hope
That you'll come back when you can find some peace
'Cause every word that I've heard spoken
Since you left feels like a hollow street


"Im showing you that you are good enough. Each of these marks holds some negative memories for you, and something that makes you uncomfortable with your body. So I'm creating positive memory for each of them instead. Lay back down."

I've been told, I've been told to get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind
Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side
There must be something in the water
'Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold ya
You'd keep my head from going under

"I got you." It had become their thing. Three words, different than the three they wanted to say to each other. They meant more then just claiming they trusted each other, because they both knew that trust was something that could be broken. They supported each other, in all ways, all of the time. And that was what those words meant to them. They were partners.

Sticks and Stones- A Seaycee storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum