Finale showdown

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Emily's POV

After an awkward dinner with my mom and Aaron, but a nice meal over all; Aaron left my house with what I think was a good impression on my mom. I headed upstairs in my room to get started on some homework and to text Aaron to see what our next move was, as we can't confront him since it's the weekend. A bing on my phone sounded and I looked at it, it's Aaron; and his text sounded worried?

Hey Em!!! While I was leaving, I noticed "Ben" in the bushes near your house, not sure if he's stalking me, or you. -A

Really? Do you think he's looking for me? -E

Not sure, but I can come and stay with you for tonight to keep you safer? Only if you and your mom are good with that? -A

Pretty sure my mom won't care about you with me, as for the demon issues should stay a secret-E

Yeah true. I'll come over then. -A

Suddenly he showed up behind me, giving me a gental hug from behind to reassure that we'll be okay. We curled up on my bed under the covers. I slightly nuzzled into the grove of his neck as he wrapped his arms around me and lightly squeezed me.

**Time skip**

Aaron's POV

I got an uneasy text from "Ben" just after I left Emily's house. Saying to "watch your girl", I got worried that he did something to her already, so I asked if she wanted me to stay over for the night; though I went anyway weather she wanted me to or not. She pulled me into her bed and under the covers, then she cuddled me with her head just lightly resting in my neck grove. I didn't mind it, but I never fell asleep; hearing the soft breaths of air she took when she was fully asleep in my arms, and the crickets outside. Something inside me knew he must be still out there looking in. I thought about where we should go tomorrow and either confront Ben, or to talk with him so he can take me back to Hell and not hurt Emily.

I looked at the clock and it was almost 6am. Emily was turned onto her other side, grabbing my arm and small snore sounds could be heard. I shifted out of bed, making sure I was quiet enough to make it out of her grasp and not wake her. I wandered down her halls and outside, and saw Ben. Of course he's still here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked hastily.

He only smiled. He walked out from the bushes and met me face to face on the driveway, "my names actually Gaduriel, but I see you have already figured that out.

"The demon master is very angry with you Aaron." He continued, still with a smug smile on his face.

"Something tells me you didn't tell him." I questioned.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well a few reasons. One; is that if he knew, you would have had one of us or both of us already dead. Secondly is that since your undercover, your scared what he'll order you to do." I explained.

"Hmm. Your smarter than I took you for, and no I'm not afraid of either of you."

"I never said you were scared of me." I questioned him again. Maybe I do stand a chance? If he's so worried about fighting me, what do I have to loose other then Emily? Though I'm scared to fight him in case I loose her.

His face showed it all, though he saw me studying his reaction and hid his expression well.

"See you tomorrow." He started to leave, laughing while he retreated back into the bushes and disappear out of thin air.

Gaduriel's POV

How could he have possibly known that I haven't told the demon master yet? I thought walking with my eyes towards the ground.
I walked for a few hours not noticing I walked to the portal entrance into Hell. Hmm, why the hell did I walk here? Then I noticed Kalis.

A Demon and HerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ