The new kid

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Emily's POV

Today is a new day and probably going to be just as bad! I got out of my bed to a reasonable room temperature since I can't sleep when it's frigid out, and changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans with rips in them, a teal t-shirt and a pastel pink sweater. The pastel colours of sweaters are my favourite, with the lighter colours that tend to look so good with a darker jean vibe to it. After I got changed for school, I then walked downstairs to go eat breakfast and saw a note on the counter writing on a sticky note by my mom.
Hey honey! Hope your day will be great! I had to work early today but I made your lunch. Lots of hugs and kisses for my girl! Love mom.

I looked over to the end of the counter and saw my lunch in a bag. I put everything in my backpack and looked back to the kitchen. I was having a hard time trying to decide whether i should eat something for forget the food and wait till lunch. I have lost weight over the years of high school and even lost my appetite. I can function on 2 meals a day most days, and when my mom happens to be home longer the 24 hours, then I'd eat 3 meals a day just to hide that fact of eating less. I shrugged realizing I spent to much time thinking and less doing to be able to eat now. I then started heading towards school.

A bus on the way drove past me as two guys yelled, "How'd you like your locker fat ass!" And stuck the muddle finger up at me.
Do I care, hell no, you get used to it after a while and you just lose interest in everything. I ignored them and put my earbuds on and played some piano music. Something to distract me but also relax to before entering hell for the next 6 and change hours. I tend to also get made fun of for learning how to play piano when I really don't get it because other people play the piano too. I went to math first and sat in my normal seat to study when no one is inside to bother me... that is until an announcement over the PA system said for me to go to the office.

This better not be about the locker incident. I thought as I made my way to the office leaving my books behind in the class. As I entered I saw our principal Mr. Oakly and a kid who looks very familiar for some reason. His eyes were blue and his hair was a darker blonde then mine. He looks awfully close to that demon last night. But there's no way he'd come to my school. I only smiled at both of them.

"Hi Mr. Oakly what would you like me to do?" I asked.

"Hello Emily I'd like you to meet Aaron, he's a new student here at Raycon high. I would like you to skip your classes today and show him around the school." He gestured towards the boy named Aaron.

"Oh how I'd love to show him around the school." I said happily. Are you serious?!

"Wonderful!" Mr. Oakly replied joyfully.

I should at least save him being my friend, therefore he won't be getting put through shit too. We started walking and everyone was in class now. I had a weird feeling like I was going to be played like the strings on a guitar, and the ones pulling them was society itself; constantly wondering if he was a type like them. I was heading to my math class to pick up my books, with Aaron in pursuit. What I really wanted to do was to set something straight first. I grabbed Aaron who was a bit bigger than me and slammed him against the wall, probably a little to hard as the noise echoed off the school walls.

"Listen here buddy I'm not the popular person instead I'm the picked on rat so you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone!" I yelled.

"Wow! That was unexpected!"

"I'll show you around the school but that's it, got it!"

He nodded quickly so I definitely scared him. Good.

"Give me your schedule." I said to him and he handed it to me. Fuck! We have math, gym and the spare the same. Only he has English where I have science.

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