Day Twenty-Nine... A New Employee (Monday)

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"I'd like to introduce Romelle. She's a new worker here and you don't have to worry. She's already fully trained."

The blonde smiles and waves.

"Nice to meet you."


We all chorus in.

"Okay, now that that's done."

Allura turns to me and points.

"You can have your free days."

"Free days?"

Pidge asks turning to me.

"What free days?"

"I'm taking off a week to work on my art project and to have some time with Kosmo. Shiro is about to kill him and me."

"Is he already bigger?"

"Dog's grow fast Pidge."

"Yeah, but how big is he?"

"He can barely fit under a chair."

She gives me a blank stare.

"I don't know. About up to my knee?"

"What was he before?"

"Halfway up to my knee."

She shakes her head.

"I've lost interest. I'll come visit sometime."


Coffee Relations (Klance Coffee AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora